Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Mystery Of The Hidden Key By Author Bharati Guntury


Indian short stories for kids

Richa, a nine-year-old girl, goes to her grandma’s village along with her mother. In the woods, she sees a rainbow-coloured butterfly who is in fact a boy called Sharan. The boy was cursed by a fairy whom he had captured mistaking her to be a butterfly. He asks Richa to help him, who agrees. He takes her to a tree hollow from where he had noticed rainbow butterflies going in and out. After thinking for some time, Richa realizes that though he looks like a rainbow butterfly, he is missing the indigo colour. Sharan brings her attention to a nearby plant that has indigo flowers. Richa tries to bring one petal close to his wings and the colour mingles into the wings immediately. As soon as this happens, the plant is turned into a beautiful fairy who turns Sharan too into his boy form. The fairy thanks them and tells them that her name is Sapphire and she is a flonary. Flonaries are special fairies who protect the plants and animals. She also tells them that she is one of the nine gem flonaries who take their turns to be the queen. She is the current queen and soon to be followed by Ruby, another gem flonary. Sapphire had cursed Sharan fearing that he meant to harm her. Before she could return to make him normal, Ruby had turned her into a plant. Ruby had been getting impatient to become the queen under the misunderstanding that Sapphire might extend her tenure as the queen. Hence, she cursed Sapphire to be a plant and stay out of their world called Flonasia. Sapphire now decides to go and clarify the misunderstanding with Ruby. Before going, she gives a magic ring to Richa which she can use to meet her anytime. She also gives a magic writing quill to Sharan apologizing for cursing him. Bidding farewell to the children, Sapphire disappears into the tree hollow which they call as the treeway – a way between Flonasia and the human world. Richa and Sharan happily go back to their homes. Richa wishes to visit Flonasia but hesitates to call Sapphire and ask her. With some encouragement from Sharan, they go to the treeway and call Sapphire using the magic ring. She gladly invites them to Flonasia and introduces them to other flonaries and Ruby, who is now repenting about what she did. They all enjoy together in the mesmerizing world of Flonasia.

Moral: We should not trouble plants and animals. We should be patient and ask politely for what we want, without hesitating.

Happy Reading!

This is a feature blog article by author Bharati Guntury.  Find her book on Amazon using the below link:

The Mystery of The Hidden Key (The Flonary Mystery Series Book 3) 

About Nisha B Thakur: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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