Thursday, February 11, 2021

King Shantanu marries Ganga | Mahabharata Stories | Folktale stories with moral lesson


folktale stories with moral lesson

King Shantanu chants mantra pouring water from his hand into the river Ganga. He is praying to Lord Sun.

King Shantanu

Namaskar Lord Sun. Please ensure the wellbeing of my kingdom.


He walks back to his palace and sees a beautiful woman on the banks of the river Ganga. Her all-white attire and beautiful face attract him. He walks to her.

King Shantanu

Oh, beautiful lady. May I know your name, please?


Your Royal Highness, King of Hastinapur, King Shantanu. I am a human form of the river Ganga. You can call me Ganga.

King Shantanu

Oh, dear, will you marry me? I will keep you happy.


I am honoured to receive your marriage proposal.

King Shantanu removes his gold chain and puts it on Ganga’s neck.

King Shantanu

Marry me?


Your Royal Highness, I will marry you. But I have one condition.

King Shantanu

Please tell me what you want. I will give you anything you want, my dear.


Your Royal Highness, after our marriage, you would not ask me any questions about my actions. If you ever ask any question, I will leave you.

King Shantanu

Yes, I won’t question your actions. Now, my dear, please say yes.

Ganga smiles.

King Shantanu and Ganga at the meeting hall of the palace. Ministers have occupied seats. And in the center, King and Queen are seated.

King Shantanu

Dear Ministers, meet your Queen Ganga.

Ministers stand up from their seats and shower flowers on King and Queen.

Ministers (in unison)

Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the Hastinapur!

Ganga and King Shantanu smile.

King Shantanu is pacing up and down. He is anxious. The maid enters the room.


Your Royal Highness, I have good news for you.

King Shantanu


He removes a gold chain and gives it to her.


Your Royal Highness, Queen Ganga, has given birth to a son.

King Shantanu

Oh, Lord Sun. I express my gratitude for all your happiness.

He claps. And a Minister appears.


Yes, Your Royal Highness.

King Shantanu

Distribute sweets and clothes to the poor and needy. Arrange a special lunch ceremony for relatives, friends, royal ministers, and their families.


Yes, Your Royal Highness.

King Shantanu holds the baby. He plays with him. He is standing near the window.

King Shantanu

Look, son, this is our kingdom. One day you will rule it. I will make you the best king we ever had.

Baby cries. King claps, and the maid appears.

King Shantanu

Take him to Queen Ganga; I think he wants milk.

Maid takes him.

King Shantanu is enjoying the sunset view. He spots Ganga with the baby in her arms. He walks towards her. He sees her drowning the child.

King Shantanu

No, please, no.

King Shantanu cries. Ganga walks past him.

King Shantanu remembers…

King Shantanu

Oh, dear, will you marry me? I will keep you happy.


Your Royal Highness, if you agree with one condition.

King Shantanu

Please tell me what you want. I will give you anything you want, my dear.


Your Royal Highness, after marriage, you would not ask me any questions about my actions. If you ever ask any question, I will leave you.

King Shantanu

Yes, I won’t question your actions. Now, my dear, please say yes.

King Shantanu looks at her, devastated but doesn’t ask her anything.

One by one, seven sons were born and were drowned by Ganga. Shantanu is devastated.

King Shantanu chants mantra pouring water from his hand into the river Ganga. He is praying to Lord Sun.

King Shantanu

Namaskar Lord Sun. Please ensure the wellbeing of my kingdom.

He starts crying.

King Shantanu

Please save my eighth child, my lord. I have already lost my seven sons. Ganga must be arriving here, and she will kill my son. Please save him.

Ganga comes to the riverside holding baby in her arms. King Shantanu runs to her.

King Shantanu

You are a cruel mother. I won’t allow you to drown my eighth son.


Your royal highness, I want to remind you about your promise

King Shantanu

I break my promise. A cruel woman like you don’t deserve to be my wife. Why are you killing my son? Answer me!


Now that you have broken your promise. I will tell you the reason. But you will have to pay a heavy price for it.

King Shantanu

I confront you, wicked woman. Answer me!


Your royal highness, our eight sons were Eight Vasus who were cursed by Vasishta to be born on earth as mortal humans.

King Shantanu



Vasus pacified Vasishta; he limited his curse and told them that they would be freed from this curse within a year of their birth as humans. I killed our sons to free them from the curse. But this one.

Ganga looks at the baby


He will have to bear the curse of long life and never have a wife or have children.

King Shantanu

A cursed life for my son. No!


But the sage also gave a boon to him that he would be virtuous, conversant with all the holy scriptures, and will be an obedient son to his father.

King Shantanu

It’s my fault! I wish I had trusted you. And had not questioned your integrity.

King Shantanu cries. King Shantanu holds the child.

King Shantanu

Sorry, because of me, you will live a life full of pain. Forgive me, my son.


Your royal highness, it’s not your fault. It’s his karma.

King Shantanu

Son, I am naming you Devrath. I will bring you up like a warrior. Prepare you to fight the challenges. Let’s take him to sage Parshuram. We will request him to be his teacher.


Your royal highness, I will fulfill your wish.

King Shantanu

Why dear? Don’t tell me you are taking away my son!


Your royal highness, allow me to take Devrath to heaven and train him properly for the King's throne and status.

King Shantanu

Please, don’t leave me. I am sorry for breaking my promise.


Sorry, your royal highness.

Ganga walks on top of the river streams, disappears along with the child. Shantanu cries, and in the background sunsets.

Moral: Think before you make a promise.

Happy Reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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