Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Pandava return to Hastinapur | Mahabharata Stories | Folktale stories with moral lesson


folktale stories with moral lesson & Mahabharata stories

King Dhritarashtra is pleased. He is sitting on a massive throne. Countrymen are clapping.


Greetings to Your royal highness!


Hail to Hastinapur


Today we are here to welcome our 105 princes.

Kunti and Gandhari smile. They are sitting on the beach behind the parapet wall.


Welcome, Prince Yudhishthir!


Hail to Prince Yudhishthir! Hail to Prince Yudhishthir!

Yudhishthir arrives with his weapon. He stands at the center of the auditorium.


Welcome, Prince Duryodhana!


Hail to Prince Duryodhana! Hail to Prince Duryodhana!

Prince Duryodhana enters with his weapon.


Let the fight begin

Prince Duryodhana and Yudhishthir fight. Duryodhana wins. Gandhari claps. Kunti becomes sad.


Hail to Prince Duryodhana! Hail to Prince Duryodhana!


Welcome Prince Arjun


Hail to Prince Arjun! Hail to Prince Arjun!

Prince Arjun enters with his weapon.


Let the fight begin

Prince Duryodhana and Arjun fight. Arjun ties Duryodhana magically. Arjun wins.


Hail to Prince Arjun! Hail to Prince Arjun!

King Dhritarashtra becomes angry

King Dhritarashtra

This is not fair! How can the archer use his magical arrow to defeat my son?

Arrow comes and unties Duryodhana. Everyone is shocked


Who interrupted the royal game?

Karna jumps into the center of the auditorium


I did it. Because Arjun was playing unethically

King Dhritarashtra

Yes, you are right. Who are you, my son?


I am Karna.


Tell me the caste who belong to?


Yes, brave warrior, tell us your caste


A warrior’s identity is his bravery and not caste


I am a royal servant’s son


How dare you interrupt the royal game?


Karna, I order you leave the royal game. As you are not a king or a prince


Hail to Prince Arjun! Hail to Prince Arjun! Leave Karna! Leave Karna!

Karna is leaving sadly. Duryodhana stops him.


King father. My friend Karna is getting humiliated. He is a brave warrior. Can I help him?

King Dhritarashtra



You have gifted me, Kingdom Ang

King Dhritarashtra



I want to make my friend, King of Ang

King Dhritarashtra

Yes, please make this brave warrior, Karna, a King


This is not possible


This is unethical. He is a royal servant’s son. How can he be a king?

King Dhritarashtra

I am supremo, and I am permitting him. Karna is King of Ang.


Now can my friend fight with Arjun



Arjuna and Karan ready with their weapon


Let the fight begin

Karna and Arjun fight. Arjun ties Karna magically. Karna releases himself.


Hail to Prince Arjun! Hail to Prince Arjun!



Now let’s end the game. Since there are two players on the field. There is no winner


Hail to Prince Arjun! Hail to Prince Arjun!

Night’s darkness emerges.

King Dhritarashtra is very anxious.


Today we have to decide our crown prince

King Dhritarashtra

My son Duryodhana is our crown prince


But eldest son is Yudhishthir

King Dhritarashtra

So what even I was the eldest son. But Pandu was made Kind


Because you are blind


I vote for Yudhishthir


I vote for Yudhishthir


We vote for Yudhishthir! We vote for Yudhishthir!


Duryodhana lacks compassion. He is not fit to be future King

King Dhritarashtra

Okay, I declare Yudhishthir as our crown prince

King Dhritarashtra becomes sad.

King Dhritarashtra, Vidhur, Bhishma at the meeting hall of the palace. Ministers have occupied seats. And in the center, King and Queen Ghandari are seated. Kunti is standing beside them.

King Dhritarashtra

Dear Ministers and countrymen of Hastinapur. I declare prince Yudhishthir as our crown prince and future king.

Ministers stand up from their seats and shower flowers on King and Queen.

Ministers (in unison)

Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the Hastinapur! Hail to prince Yudhishthir!

All smile.

Moral: Competition should be healthy.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Gurukul stories of Pandavas | Mahabharata Stories | Folktale stories with moral lesson


folktale stories with moral lesson & Mahabharata stories

Guru Drona sits beneath a huge tree. One hundred five-princes are standing in front of him.

Guru Drona

Today is your first day in Gurukul. Discipline, Dedication, and Determination are three qualities that bring success to you in education.

105 princes

Namaskar Guru

Guru Drona

Now, you may take your seat

Students sit down on the mat.

Guru Drona stands on an open field. 105 Princes are listening to him attentively. He points at a tree.

Guru Drona

Look at that tree. There is a bird on it. Your target is a bird’s eye. Get ready with your bow and arrow.


May I start Guru Drona?

Guru Drona


Yudhishthir aims at the tree.

Guru Drona

What can you see?


I can see that a bird has its nest on the tree. I have to dart so that the nest doesn’t get hurt.

Guru Drona

Good. But you cannot be an archer

Yudhishthir walks back to his place, disappointed.


Guru Drona

Now, Bhim, it’s your turn

Bhim aims at the tree.

Guru Drona

What can you see?


that there are lots of fruits on the tree

Guru Drona

Good. But you cannot be an archer

Bhim walks back to his place, disappointed.

Guru Drona

Now, Duryodhana, it’s your turn

Duryodhana aims at the tree.

Guru Drona

What can you see?


Sir, I can blow away the whole tree

Guru Drona

You lack humility. You cannot be an archer

Duryodhana walks back to his place, disappointed.

Guru Drona

Now, Arjun, it’s your turn

Arjun aims at the tree.

Guru Drona

What can you see?


I can only see the bird’s eye

Guru Drona

Go ahead

Arjun hits the target like a pro.

Pandavas clap. Duryodhana gets angry.

Guru Drona is teaching students. He is sitting beneath a tree. Karna enters.


Greetings to the wise man!

Guru Drona

Bless you


Guruji, I am here to become your student. Please teach me archery.

Guru Drona

Are you a royal child?


No sir. I am a royal servant’s son. My father works for Your Majesty Bhishma.

Guru Drona

Sorry, son, I only teach royals.


Then you will teach me

Guru Drona

Why don’t you go to my teacher, Sage Parshuram? He will surely help.


Okay. Namaskar

Karna walks away. But Arjun’s arrow walks past him. He, too, hits a dart at Arjun.


How dare you

Guru Drona

Please don’t talk with my students like that.


I was practising.


Don’t act smart. You wanted to hurt me so that I never learned archery.


Great! So be it! One day, I will show you my practice in Warfield.



Karna walks away.

Guru Drona is teaching Arjun. He hits a dart at a bird flying in the sky. Eklavya enters.


Greetings wise man

Guru Drona

Bless you! Who are you, son?


I am your student

Guru Dhorna

But I never taught you


Every day, I hide in bushes and hear your lecture with Arjun

Guru Dhorna

Great! Can you show me what you have learned?



Eklavya aims at a dog, darts arrows around him, and makes a cage

Guru Drona


Arjun enters and smiles at Eklavya

Guru Drona

Now that you have learned so much from me, can you give me Guru Dakshina?



Guru Drona

Present your thumb to me

Eklavya and Arjun are shocked


Sure Sir

He cuts his thumb and gives it to Guru Dhorna. Arjun is shocked

Guru Dhorna

Eklavya, your education is over. Now go back to your home

Eklavya cries and leaves.

Moral: Children are like earthen pots. Shape them wisely.

Happy Reading!

About the writer: 

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Duryodhana vs. Pandava childhood stories | Mahabharata Stories | Folktale stories with moral lesson


folktale stories with moral lesson & Mahabharata stories

Pandu is plucking fruits from a tree. Madri comes dressed beautifully.


Oh, dear, you are looking so pretty.


Greetings! Your Royal Highness!

Pandu takes her behind the tree. In 5 seconds, Pandu starts breathing heavily.


Oh, dear, I am dying.


Help! Help!

Kunti and Bhim start running towards them. But Pandu dies.


What happened?


Your Majesty left for his heavenly abode.

Kunti starts crying. Madri eats poison.


I am leaving my sons with you, Kunti sister. Take care of them like your own sons.


Please don’t leave me alone.

Kunti cries.

Bhishma and Vidhur are standing beside King Dhritarashtra. King is seated on the throne.


Greetings! Your Royal Highness!

King Dhritarashtra

Welcome home, Kunti and sons


Now, we will make Yudhishthir the crown prince


Yes, he is the eldest son. He is our crown prince

King Dhritarashtra

We can discuss it later. Let’s welcome them to the family.

King Dhritarashtra is enjoying music. Duryodhana enters and throws the chair on the floor.


Stop this music, father

King Dhritarashtra

What happened, my son? Why are you so angry?


What are those Pandavas doing in my palace

Shakuni enters


I told you Yudhishthir is going to be the future king

King Dhritarashtra

Stop it Shakuni


Oh, he will become king day, and I will become a pauper.

Duryodhana leaves the room fuming

Duryodhana eats kheer from his plate. Shakuni serves him.


You have to kill them


But how?


Did you like Kheer?


We are discussing such an important thing, and you want to know about Kheer!


Because it’s part of my plan

Duryodhana takes a fruit basket to Bhim


I got a fruit basket for you, brother Bhim


What for?


I know we didn’t begin on a good note. But I am extending an olive branch to you.

Bhim smiles and takes the fruit basket. He gives it to Arjun. Nakul, Sahadev, and Yudhishthir smile.


It’s my yoga time

Nakul & Sahadev

We are coming


I have some work with Bhishma Father


Then let me have these fruit


I have something more delicious for you than these fruits. Come with me.

Bhim and Duryodhana leave.

Bhim and Duryodhana arrive at a beautiful boat.


This is so beautiful


And I have got kheer for you


Please give it to me now

Duryodhana (giving a bowl)

Here you go

Bhim eats it and falls unconscious. Shakuni enters, and they throw him into the water.

Duryodhan and Shakuni


Kunti is crying. Gandhari comes and consoles her.


Please don’t cry, Kunti


My Bhim! Oh, I miss him


Don’t worry! Wherever he is, he must be OK.

Bhim enters


I am here, Mother Gandhari.

Kunti hugs him.


Where were you, my son?


I was underwater in the snake world. The Lord of Snakes, Vasuki, gave me a magical potion. Now, I have the strength of 100 elephants.


Wow! You are my most powerful brother


Welcome back

Nakul and Sahadev hug him too.

Duryodhana enters


Why did you try to kill me, Duryodhana?

King Dhritarashtra sits on the throne. Bhishma looks at him angrily.


Your son Duryodhana has sinned.

King Dhritarashtra

Forgive him, father

Guru Drona enters.

King Dhritarashtra

Greetings to the wise man!

Guru Drona

May God bless you


I have recruited Guru Drona as a teacher for our 105 princes. They will leave for Gururkul today.

King Dhritarashtra

I will miss you, my son, Duryodhana

King Dhritarashtra cries.

Moral: Let your child grow in positive surroundings.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Birth of Pandavas & Duryodhana | Mahabharata Stories | Folktale stories with moral lesson


folktale stories with moral lesson & Mahabharata stories

Kunti at the meeting hall of the palace. Kunti is waiting for Pandu. He enters


I am back from war!


Your Royal Highness, I am at your service.

Pandu smiles and occupies his throne; Ministers have occupied seats. And in the centre, Pandu and Kunti are seated.


Dear Ministers, meet your new Queen Madri.

Madri enters. Kunti cries and gets up from her seat. Ministers stand up and shower flowers on the King and Queen.

Ministers (in unison)

Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the Hastinapur!

Pandu and Madri smile.

Pandu, Madri, and Kunti at the meeting hall of the palace. They are sad.


But why are we going to live in the forest?


Because now my life is cursed.


Your royal Highness, I am ready to live with you in the forest.


Then, who will rule the kingdom?


Yes, our throne can’t be empty for long.


Prince Dhristrashtra can be our working king.

Prince Dhristrashtra smiles.

Prince Dhritarashtra and Princess Gandhari are in the bedroom.

Princess Gandhari

Your Royal Highness, I am at your service

Prince Dhritarashtra

I love you. Because of you, I am a king now. I know you will become my eyes and make me a good king.

Princess Gandhari

Yes, my love

Prince Dhritarashtra

I love you, too

Princess Gandhari smiles.

Kunti and Pandu look at each other sadly.


I wish we had children. Our days in the forest would become joyous.


I can give you a child. I was given a boon by my sage, Durvasa. To be blessed with a son, I must chant the mantra and call the Lord.


Then please call the Lord of Justice for a dutiful son.

Kunti chants the mantra. Lord of justice comes.

Lord of justice

I bless you with a virtuous son. He will be known for his justice.

Kunti gets a son. She gives it to Pandu.


My son, I name you Yudhishthir.

Kunti and Pandu smile.

Prince Dhritarashtra and Princess Gandhari are in the bedroom.

Prince Dhritarashtra

When will my son come? It’s been 14 months.

Princess Gandhari

I hope he comes soon.

Prince Dhritarashtra

I hate you. Why can’t you keep me happy? Pandu’s son is the eldest now. He will become King. You useless woman. You can’t give me a son.

Princess Gandhari falls unconscious. Sage Vyasa arrives.

Prince Dhritarashtra and Princess Gandhari look at the vast 101 pots created by Sage Vyasa.

Sage Vyasa

From these pots, your 100 sons and one daughter will come out.

Prince Dhritarashtra and Princess Gandhari become happy.

Kunti and Pandu look at each other happily.


I wish Yudhishthir had a brother.


Yes, Your Royal Highness.


Then please call Lord of Wind for a powerful son.

Kunti chants the mantra. Lord of Wind comes.

Lord of wind

I bless you with a powerful son.

Kunti gets a son. She gives it to Pandu


My son, I name you Bhim.

Prince Dhritarashtra and Princess Gandhari look at the vast one-pot created by Sage Vyasa. It burst open. Baby comes out. Sage Vyasa gives to Prince Dhritarashtra.

Sage Vyasa

Take your eldest son.

Prince Dhritarashtra and Princess Gandhari become happy.

Prince Dhritarashtra

My son, I name you Duryodhana.

Kunti and Pandu look at each other happily.


I wish we had one more son.


Yes, Your Royal Highness.


Then please call Lord Indra for a dutiful son.

Kunti chants the mantra. Lord Indra comes.

Lord Indra

I bless you with a dutiful son.

Kunti gets a son. She gives it to Pandu


My son, I name you Arjun.

Madri looks at Pandu sadly.


It’s been five years in the forest. I don’t have sons. I feel lonely.


Kunti, can you give Madri two sons.


Yes, Your Royal Highness.


Then please call Lord Ashwin Kumar for twins.

Kunti chants the mantra. Lord Ashwin Kumar comes.

Lord Ashwin Kumar

I bless you with twins.

Kunti gets a son. She gives it to Pandu


My twins, I name one Nakul and the other one Sahadev.

Pandu smiles.

Moral: Children are like earthen pots. Shape them wisely.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Marriage of Dhritarashtra & Pandu | Mahabharata Stories | Folktale stories with moral lesson


folktale stories with moral lesson & Mahabharata stories
Satyavati sits on the throne. Bhishma enters.


Greeting! Your Royal Highness!


Bhishma, where are your students?

Bhishma claps. And three young princes enter.


Meet Dhritarashtra. He is mighty and can crush pillars with his hand. He is blind, but he is independent. He doesn’t need any support to kill enemies.


Greeting! Your Royal Highness!


God bless you


Meet Pandu. He is very efficient in archery skills.


Greeting! Your Royal Highness!


God bless you


Meet Vidhur. A wise and knowledgeable man.


Greeting! Your Royal Highness!


God bless you


Your royal highness, you should make Dhritarashtra our future King, Pandu our chief soldier, and Vidhur our Chief Minister.


Let’s hold the ceremony tomorrow.

Satyavati and Bhishma at the meeting hall of the palace. Ministers have occupied seats. In the centre, three princes are seated.


Dear Ministers meet our King Dhritarashtra.

Ministers stand up and shower flowers on the King and Queen.

Ministers (in unison)

Hail to the King! Hail to the Hastinapur!

Satyavati and Bhishma smile.


Your Royal Highness! Apologies for the interruption! But how can a blind person be our king?


Dhritarashtra is very independent and powerful


Unfortunately, he can’t be our king. I suggest that Brother Pandu should be made King.

Pandu becomes king, and Dhritarashtra cries.

Dhritarashtra and Bhishma at the meeting hall of the palace. Satyavati enters


Dhritarashtra should get married now!


Yes. Princess Gandhari would be an ideal partner for him.


Okay, I will marry her.


Please go and bring Princess Gandhari.

Dhritarashtra and Satywati are at the palace's meeting hall. Bhishma enters with Princess Gandhari, who is wearing a red blindfold.


Greeting! Your Royal Highness!

Princess Gandhari

Greeting! Your Royal Highness!


Why are you wearing a red blindfold?

Princess Gandhari

Because I want to lead a life like my love, Prince Dhritarashtra

Dhritarashtra (fumes)

I will not marry her. She is of no use to me. I want her to become my eyes.

Princess Gandhari

Forgive me, Your Royal Highness

Prince Dhritarashtra walks out angrily.

Prince Dhritarashtra and Princess Gandhari get married. Bhishma and Satyavati are in the palace's meeting hall. Ministers and the prince and princess are seated in the centre.


Dear Ministers, meet your Princess Gandhari.

Ministers stand up from their seats and shower flowers on Princess Gandhari and Prince Dhritarashtra.

Ministers (in unison)

Hail to the Hastinapur!

Bhishma and Satyavati smile.

Kunti and Pandu get married. Bhishma and Satyavati are in the palace's meeting hall. Ministers are seated. In the centre, the King and Queen are seated. 

King Shantanu

Dear Ministers, meet your Queen Kunti.

Ministers stand up and shower flowers on the King and Queen.

Ministers (in unison)

Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the Hastinapur!

Bhishma and Satyavati smile. Prince Dhritarashtra cries.

Prince Dhritarashtra and Princess Gandhari are in the bedroom.

Princess Gandhari

Your Royal Highness, I am at your service

Prince Dhritarashtra

I hate you. Because of you, I cannot be a king. I thought you would become my eyes and make me king.

Princess Gandhari

I am sorry

Prince Dhritarashtra

Leave my room now

Princess Gandhari leaves the room crying.

Kunti and Pandu are in the bedroom.


Your Royal Highness, I am at your service


I love you. Because of you, I became a king.


I love you, too


But now I have to leave for war. Farewell, dear Queen!

Pandu leaves the room, and Kunti looks at him, crying.

Vidhur and Sulabha get married. Bhishma and Satyavati are in the palace's meeting hall. Ministers are seated, and Vidhur and Sulabha are sitting in the centre. 


Dear Ministers, meet our royal wife, Sulabha.

Ministers stand up from their seats and shower flowers on Sulabha and Vidhur.

Ministers (in unison)

Hail to the Hastinapur!

Bhishma and Satyavati smile.


Hastinapur is now so powerful. With King Pandu, Prince Dhritarashtra, and Vidhur. Three loving brothers.

Prince Dhritarashtra cries and talks in his mind.

Prince Dhritarashtra

I hate you, Pandu.

Moral: Your enemy can be someone from your family, too.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

King Shantanu marries Satyawati | Mahabharata Stories | Folktale stories with moral lesson


folktale stories with moral lesson

Shantanu sadly sits on the floor, looking at Ganga’s portrait.


Oh, dear, Ganga! I miss you every day. Please come back, my queen. Devrath! My little boy must be in his adolescence now. Oh Lord, please make me meet them soon.

Minister enters his room.


Greetings! Your Royal Highness!


Yes, Suryasen.


I have very shocking news for you!


Please continue!


Your Royal Highness! Ganga!

Shantanu (excited)

Has she come to meet me!?


No, Your Royal Highness!


Please come to the point


River Ganga’s streams have been put on hold with a barricade of arrows




Your Royal Highness, you can see the miracle from your window.

Shantanu looks out of his window and sees the river has been stopped by a barricade of arrows.

Shantanu walks to the river. He is shocked to see the miracle. He removes his celestial weapon.


I challenge the demon who has done this! Appear in front of me, or else I will kill you!

A good-looking young boy appears in front of him


Greeting! Your Royal Highness!


Who are you? How did you do this magic?


I am your son! Mother Ganga asked me to stop her. She wanted to be sure that now I am well-qualified to serve Hastinapur.

Ganga appears.


Greeting! Your Royal Highness! He is our son, Devrath! I have fulfilled my duty and made him worthy of serving Hastinapur.

Ganga disappears, and both men walk to the palace.

Shantanu goes hunting. He is in a dense forest. Mounting his horse, he comes out of the woods. A lovely smell tickles his nose. He follows it.


Wow! What fragrance! It must be some exotic flower! I must take it back with me to the palace.

He follows the smell and sees a beautiful lady.


Greeting! Your Royal Highness!


Oh, pretty woman! Please tell me the name of the perfume you are wearing. I want to take you with me to the palace.


Your Royal Highness! This lovely smell is coming from me.


What’s your name?


I am Satyavati! I am the princess of the fishermen's community.


You are so pretty, marry me! Will you?


Sorry, Your Royal Highness!


Why, my lady? I am the king of Hastinapur. If you get married to me, you will get the pride of becoming the queen of Hastinapur.


Your Royal Highness! Your son will soon become King, after which my son will become a royal servant. I don’t want to lead a life like a royal servant. Forgive me for rejecting your proposal.

Satyavati leaves. Shantanu sadly mounts his horse.

Shantanu sadly comes to his palace.


Father! Where have you been? Come, let’s have dinner.

Shantanu (sad)

I am not hungry, my son.

Shantanu leaves sadly.

Shantanu is sitting sadly at the riverside. Shantanu and the Minister are looking at him from a distance.


It’s been 15 days now. He hasn’t smiled. Something is bothering him.


It’s Satyavati. She refused to marry our King.


How dare she? Who is she?


She is the princess of the fishing community.

Devrath, mounting his horse, reaches Satyavati’s hut.


Why did you refuse my father’s marriage proposal?


Your Royal Highness! I have a valid reason.


The king of Hastinapur asked you to get married to him. And you want to refuse the fortune of becoming the queen of Hastinapur.


Your Royal Highness! You will soon become King. After which, my son will become a royal servant. I don’t want to lead a life like a royal servant. Forgive me for rejecting your father’s proposal.


I promise you I will never ascend the throne. I leave all rights and privileges as the crown prince.


But what if your sons want to become a king


I promise you I will never marry. Now, will you marry my father



Devrath and Satyavati walk to the palace.

Devrath and Satyavati meet Shantanu.


Why my son? Why did you take such a difficult oath?


For your happiness and well-being


I name you Bhishma. You will be remembered for eternity for your difficult oath.

Devrath touches his feet.


I give a boon. You will die only when you wish. Otherwise, even death wouldn’t be able to harm you.

Devrath smile.

Shantanu and Satyavati get married.

King Shantanu and Satyavati at the meeting hall of the palace. Ministers have occupied seats. And in the centre, the King and Queen are seated.

King Shantanu

Dear Ministers, meet your Queen Satyavati.

Ministers stand up from their seats and shower flowers on the King and Queen.

Ministers (in unison)

Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the Hastinapur!

Satyavati and King Shantanu smile.

 Moral: Think before you make a promise.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

King Shantanu marries Ganga | Mahabharata Stories | Folktale stories with moral lesson


folktale stories with moral lesson

King Shantanu chants a mantra, pouring water from his hand into the river Ganga. He is praying to the Lord Sun.

King Shantanu

Namaskar Lord Sun. Please ensure the well-being of my kingdom.


He walks back to his palace and sees a beautiful woman on the banks of the Ganga. Her all-white attire and beautiful face attract him, and he walks to her.

King Shantanu

Oh, beautiful lady. What is your name?


Your Royal Highness, King of Hastinapur, King Shantanu. I am a human form of the river Ganga. You can call me Ganga.

King Shantanu

Oh, dear, will you marry me? I will keep you happy.


I am honoured to receive your marriage proposal.

King Shantanu removes his gold chain and puts it on Ganga’s neck.

King Shantanu

Marry me?


Your Royal Highness, I will marry you. But I have one condition.

King Shantanu

Please tell me what you want. I will give you anything you want, my dear.


Your Royal Highness, you would not ask me any questions about my actions after our marriage. If you ever ask any question, I will leave you.

King Shantanu

Yes, I won’t question your actions. Now, my dear, please say yes.

Ganga smiles.

King Shantanu and Ganga at the meeting hall of the palace. Ministers have occupied seats. And in the centre, the King and Queen are seated.

King Shantanu

Dear Ministers, meet your Queen Ganga.

Ministers stand up and shower flowers on the King and Queen.

Ministers (in unison)

Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the Hastinapur!

Ganga and King Shantanu smile.

King Shantanu is pacing up and down. He is anxious. The maid enters the room.


Your Royal Highness, I have good news for you.

King Shantanu


He removes a gold chain and gives it to her.


Your Royal Highness, Queen Ganga, has given birth to a son.

King Shantanu

Oh, Lord Sun. I express my gratitude for all your happiness.

He claps. And a Minister appears.


Yes, Your Royal Highness.

King Shantanu

Distribute sweets and clothes to the poor and needy. Arrange a special lunch ceremony for relatives, friends, royal ministers, and their families.


Yes, Your Royal Highness.

King Shantanu holds the baby. He plays with him. He is standing near the window.

King Shantanu

Look, son, this is our kingdom. One day, you will rule it. I will make you the best king we ever had.

Baby cries. King claps, and the maid appears.

King Shantanu

Take him to Queen Ganga; I think he wants milk.

Maid takes him.

King Shantanu is enjoying the sunset view when he spots Ganga with the baby in her arms. He walks towards her and sees her drowning the child.

King Shantanu

No, please, no.

King Shantanu cries. Ganga walks past him.

King Shantanu remembers…

King Shantanu

Oh, dear, will you marry me? I will keep you happy.


Your Royal Highness, if you agree with one condition.

King Shantanu

Please tell me what you want. I will give you anything you want, my dear.


Your Royal Highness, you would not ask me any questions about my actions after marriage. If you ever ask any question, I will leave you.

King Shantanu

Yes, I won’t question your actions. Now, my dear, please say yes.

King Shantanu looks at her, devastated, but doesn’t ask her anything.

One by one, seven sons were born and were drowned by Ganga. Shantanu is devastated.

King Shantanu chants a mantra, pouring water from his hand into the river Ganga. He is praying to the Lord Sun.

King Shantanu

Namaskar Lord Sun. Please ensure the well-being of my kingdom.

He starts crying.

King Shantanu

Please save my eighth child, my lord. I have already lost my seven sons. Ganga must be arriving here, and she will kill my son. Please save him.

Ganga comes to the riverside, holding the baby in her arms. King Shantanu runs to her.

King Shantanu

You are a cruel mother. I won’t allow you to drown my eighth son.


Your Royal Highness, I want to remind you about your promise

King Shantanu

I break my promise. A cruel woman like you doesn’t deserve to be my wife. Why are you killing my son? Answer me!


Now that you have broken your promise. I will tell you the reason. But you will have to pay a heavy price for it.

King Shantanu

I confront you, wicked woman. Answer me!


Your royal highness, our eight sons were Eight Vasus who were cursed by Vasishta to be born on earth as mortal humans.

King Shantanu



Vasus pacified Vasishta, limited his curse, and told them that they would be freed from it within a year of their birth as humans. I killed our sons to free them from the curse, but this one.

Ganga looks at the baby.


He will have to bear the curse of a long life and never have a wife or children.

King Shantanu

A cursed life for my son. No!


But the sage also blessed him that he would be virtuous, conversant with all the holy scriptures, and an obedient son to his father.

King Shantanu

It’s my fault! I wish I had trusted you. And had not questioned your integrity.

King Shantanu cries. King Shantanu holds the child.

King Shantanu

I'm sorry. Because of me, you will live a life full of pain. Forgive me, my son.


Your Royal Highness, it’s not your fault. It’s his karma.

King Shantanu

Son, I am naming you Devrath. I will raise you like a warrior and prepare you to fight the challenges. Let’s take him to Sage Parshuram. We will ask him to be his teacher.


Your Royal Highness, I will fulfil your wish.

King Shantanu

Why dear? Don’t tell me you are taking away my son!


Your royal highness, allow me to take Devrath to heaven and train him properly for the King's throne and status.

King Shantanu

Please, don’t leave me. I am sorry for breaking my promise.


Sorry, Your Royal Highness.

Ganga walks on top of the river streams and disappears along with the child. Shantanu cries, and in the background, sunsets.

Moral: Think before you make a promise.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.