Monday, September 28, 2020

Very short stories with moral | Miser man and his wealth

very short stories with moral

A very long time ago, there lived a miser man named Achuta. Achuta worked hard all day to earn two coins. He kept one coin in his pocket to meet his day-to-day expenses. And kept the other coin in the pot inside the vault. He treated this pot as his reserve wealth. He never intended to touch it.

Once Achuta had to visit his sister’s home. His sister stayed very far from his village. He was worried about leaving his wealth open for a thief in an empty house. So, he brought home a dog and trained him not to allow anyone to enter the house.

Before the day he had to leave for his sister’s home, Achuta decided to test the dog. In the darkness of night, he entered his house dressed up in black clothes pretending to be a goon. The dog saw him; instead, the dog didn’t not bark but went and sat at Achuta’s feet.

Achuta was disappointed and removed the dog after beating it very severely. He canceled his trip and sent the letter to his sister.
After a few days, an old man came to his house. He was Achuta’s uncle. Achuta welcome him and told him about the dog.
Achuta’s uncle laughed and said, “You shouldn’t have removed the dog. He was faithful.”

Surprised, Achuta asked him, “How can you say he was faithful when he allowed a goon to enter the house?”

“Because he has recognized you dressed as a goon, don’t you know dogs recognize their master by smell,” said the uncle.

Achuta realized his mistake and started looking for the dog, but he was unable to find him. Repenting his actions, now he would live worried about his wealth forever.

Moral- Aim to create wealth, but don’t let it make your life miserable.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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