Monday, September 28, 2020

Short stories indian folk tales | The woodcutter and the ax

short stories indian folk tales

Once upon a time, there lived a woodcutter named Bhola. Bhola worked in the King’s royal kitchen. His job was to ensure the royal kitchen never ran out of firewood. His routine was to get up early in the morning, mount his horse, and go to the jungle to get firewood.

One fine day, when he got up, it was raining heavily. There was no firewood in the royal reserve, too, as the king had hosted a huge gathering one day prior. Alas, today, it was pouring continuously. Worried, Bhola didn’t know what he should do. He met the king and said, “My Lord, I am quitting my job as the royal woodcutter. I failed to provide firewood to the royal kitchen this morning. I am not the best in my work.”

The queen, also in the room, said, “But my Lord, we have enough food from last evening's gathering. We don’t need firewood for the next two days.”

The King and queen told Bhola it was not his fault, but Bhola insisted on quitting the job.

The king asked him to give his axe to him and asked him to promise not to do woodcutting ever. He gave his axe to the king and promised the king that he would do as he said.

“You have given your axe to me; now you can leave,” said the King.
Bhola left the palace. He only took his clothes and coins he had saved from his salary. He reached his village. Every day, he missed his axe dearly. Bhola thought about what job he could do apart from woodcutting. Soon, his coins and savings were over, and he had not considered a new job.

He returned to the palace, told the King what he felt, and asked him to return his axe.

King laughed and said, “Now you realize that to do your job, you need not be the best, but you need to be sincere. That you are. You missed your axe, and you love your job very sincerely. Rains were just a situation that was out of your control.”

Bhola happily took his axe back and joined back as the royal woodcutter.

Moral- Don’t try to become the best; try to be sincere.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Very short stories with moral | Miser man and his wealth

very short stories with moral

A very long time ago, there lived a miser man named Achuta. Achuta worked hard all day to earn two coins. He kept one coin in his pocket to meet his day-to-day expenses. And kept the other coin in the pot inside the vault. He treated this pot as his reserve wealth. He never intended to touch it.

Once, Achuta had to visit his sister’s home. His sister stayed very far from his village. He was worried about leaving his wealth open for a thief in an empty house. So, he brought home a dog and trained him not to allow anyone to enter the house.

Before the day he had to leave for his sister’s home, Achuta decided to test the dog. In the darkness of night, he entered his house dressed up in black clothes, pretending to be a goon. The dog saw him; instead, the dog didn’t bark but went and sat at Achuta’s feet.

Achuta was disappointed and removed the dog after beating it very severely. He cancelled his trip and sent the letter to his sister.
After a few days, an old man came to his house. He was Achuta’s uncle. Achuta welcomed him and told him about the dog.
Achuta’s uncle laughed, saying, “You shouldn’t have removed the dog. He was faithful.”

Surprised, Achuta asked him, “How can you say he was faithful when he allowed a goon to enter the house?”

“Because he has recognized you dressed as a goon. Don’t you know dogs recognize their master by smell,” said the uncle.

Achuta realized his mistake and started looking for the dog, but he could not find him. Repenting his actions, he would now live worrying about his wealth forever.

Moral- Aim to create wealth, but don’t let it make your life miserable.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Moral stories for students | Pundit and the rich man

Moral stories for students

Once upon a time, there lived a pundit named Joshi. Joshi was famous in the village and considered a wise man. People used to approach him for advice on their important matters. One day, a rich man came to the Pundit and invited him to his home for lunch.

Pundit Joshi, a foodie, wasted no time and agreed to come home. When he arrived, he was welcomed by the rich man and his family. His family consisted of his wife and daughter. His daughter Shalu was a very beautiful girl. Pundit Joshi asked the rich man to get him married to his daughter.

The proposal made the rich man very angry and insulted Pundit Joshi. He said, “My daughter lives in a big home, and you want her to marry a poor man like you. Do you think a pauper like you deserve to marry my princess?”

Pundit Joshi immediately left the house and went to the King's palace. Pundit Joshi knew the big secret of the rich man's fortune. He met the King and said that the rich man was corrupt, and he had seen him sell grains at a very exorbitant rate and not pay taxes. King ordered his royal courtiers to arrest the rich man. The rich man was presented in court and was found guilty. The king punished the rich man, but as per the king's order, he could never do any business. Pundit Joshi was rewarded with huge farmland. Slowly, the rich man had to sell off his properties to survive. Meanwhile, Pundit Joshi used the land for farming and later built a big house. In a few years, the rich man became poor, and Pundit Joshi became rich. Thus, he took his revenge.

Moral- Never insult anyone for being small.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.