Monday, June 1, 2020

Folk tales story with moral lesson | Born for a Princess

folk tales story with moral lesson

Once upon a time, there lived a young boy who wanted to marry a Princess. His name was Soma. He lived in a tiny hut beside a vast mountain. His father was a farmer. He worked hard all day, and Soma thought he would never become a farmer.

One day, he took him to his fields. Standing in the middle of their farms, he said, ‘Son, look at that mountain. It reminds us to be humble and to dream within our limit.’

Soma understood what his father said but chose not to agree with him. Instead, he had another plan: to avoid becoming a farmer. But if not a farmer, then what.

One day, he went to the village fair. She saw a pretty girl named Tara. He followed her and saw she was buying anything she liked without bargaining. Her clothes were made of silk. She looked like a fairy. He looked at a single coin clutched in his hand. And wondered what he could buy in this one coin while her world was so different.

After following her for a while, Soma learned she was Princess Tara. Then he decided he would become a rich man by marrying a princess. That night, when he reached home, he told his father that he would like to leave the next morning and come back only when he became a rich man.

While his father was happy, his mother was upset. His father was delighted that he understood his responsibility. The next morning, Soma left with a single coin in hand. He crossed the river in a boat. He gave that coin to the rower. Left with nothing, he walked to the market and saw a horse. The horse belonged to an old man. The old man asked Soma to get grass for his horse. Soma did that. The old man offered Soma to take the horse with him. Soma asked the reason. The old man started crying, saying, “I have no energy to bring grass for my horse. I have no children who can take care of me.’

Soma took the horse and promised to take care of it. But he also realized his mother and father would be alone, just like the old man. He went back to his village with the horse, worked hard in his fields, and took care of his parents. He never thought of being rich and made his parents his priority.

Moral- Learn from your mistakes.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.