Friday, May 1, 2020

Short stories Indian folk tales | A tale of flower fairy

short stories indian folk tales

A very long time ago, a prince called Amar lived there. Amar was brave, and his people eagerly waited to make him King. But in Amar’s Kingdom, there was a tradition that only a married prince could become a King. When his father King told him about the tradition and his wish to make Amar king. Amar agreed and told him about his desire to marry Sonika. King was pleased with Amar’s choice and asked him to bring Sonika. Sonika was an ordinary girl from the neighbouring kingdom. However, King was delighted with Amar’s choice as he liked Sonika as his daughter-in-law. This made Amar very happy, and he mounted his horse and started for Sonika’s house.

On his way, he remembered the first time he saw Sonika. They met in a garden, where Sonika was plucking flowers to make perfumes. She made perfumes, and her father sold them in a market. Amar remembered how he had brought all her scents to impress Sonika. He laughed at himself. Suddenly, a thought came to him, and he decided to propose to her with a rare flower. He reached his royal garden caretaker, Bhola’s house. Amar asked him to bring him some rare flowers. Amar looked at them, but he didn’t find anything.
Then Bhola said, “Only Flower Fairy can help you with a rare flower you are looking for.”

Amar immediately mounted his horse and reached the fairyland. He asked for Flower Fairy and met her. Flower Fairy was very upset. She told Amar that she had lost her magical wand. Amar decided to help her. In the magic mirror, they saw the wand with the witch Hella. Amar reached Hella’s hut. He decided to trick her.

Amar asked her if she wanted a magical gem, which was more powerful than the wand. Witch Hella had magical powers, but she was dumb. It was easy to fool her. She agreed, and Amar said that it was in that bottle. Amar had placed a prism in a bottle. Hella looked at the bottle and said there was nothing special about the gem. Amar took the bottle near the window. He held the bottle in his palm and allowed the sunlight to pass through it. Prism shone like a rainbow. Hella was surprised, and she attacked Amar. Amar pretended to get defeated and let her go inside the bottle. Amar capped the bottle and threw it into the sea. He took the wand to Flower Fairy, and she gave Amar a rare flower. Amar started to rush to Sonika, but Flower Fairy stopped him and said Sonika was waiting for him in that room. Amar thanked Flower Fairy and reached the room. He proposed to Sonika, and she said yes. They lived happily ever after.

Moral- Good always pays you good.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.