Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Indian bedtime stories for kids | Love wins all odds

Indian bedtime stories for kids

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess called Surekha. But Surekha was not only known for her beauty but also for her arrogant nature. She would mistreat her maids and other people of her kingdom. Her father king was very upset with her behavior. He often wondered who would marry her.

One fine summer morning, Sureka, with her maids, went to the royal garden. Her mood was very happy and wanted to spend her time near the pond in the royal garden. So, she started to walk towards the pond.

Touching her hand gently on the flowers as she walked. ‘Ouch.’ She cried as her hand got pricked by the thorns. Her gaze fell on a very handsome man. She fell in love with him at the very instant. She asked her maid to inquire who that man was. Maid rushed out of the royal garden and came back after a while. She said to Surekha, “Princess, the handsome man is Prince Amar. He is here with his father and he is our royal guest.”

Surekha summoned Prince Amar to meet her. Prince Amar was aware of Surekha’s nature. He knew she was very arrogant. As soon as he reached the chamber, “Marry me, my Prince charming,” said Surekha.

Prince Amar politely refused her proposal. This made Surekha very angry, and she started abusing Amar and his father King. Amar didn’t utter a word. Then Surekha boasted about her beauty. Amar laughed and said, “You think you are beautiful, then go and see Fairy Opal in fairyland.” He walked out laughing.

Surekha was never insulted like this in her life. She decided to go to fairyland. She called for her father’s magical flight. She reached the fairy land’s gate. She couldn’t enter the gate. After several unsuccessful attempts, the gate said, “This gate doesn’t allow any human to enter.”

Fuming he went to meet witch Hella. Surekha told Hella about Prince Amar and his challenge. Surekha asked Hella to bring Fairy Opal for her and then destroy her face. Hella accepted the work for a huge fee. Hella went to the fairyland disguised as a fairy maid. Fairy Opal was a sweet fairy. She asked Hella too stay with her. While Fairy Opal was fast asleep, Hella hit on her head. Assuming her real form, she magically shrunk Fairy Opal. Hella put her in a bottle and reached Surekha’s chamber.

Surekha asked her maid to bring Amar to her chamber. Amar reached her chamber, and he wasn’t surprised to witch Hella. Hella laughed monstrously and removed a bottle and placed it on a table. He opened the bottle and out came Fairy Opal. Fairy Opal was happy to see Amar. She ran to him and hugged her.
She said, “You did it, my love, you got me here.”

Amar then revealed his plan, and he had tricked Surekha to get Fairy Opal as no human can enter there. Fuming Surekha ordered Hella to kill them. Fairy Opal then shrunk Sureka and Hella and put them into the bottle.

Moral- Wit is the biggest weapon of all.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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