Saturday, February 1, 2020

Mini goes to her village | Short stories for motivation

Urban short stories from India featuring urban life

Mini, a five-year-old girl, was full of apprehension about her vacation. Her parents worked for a multinational company and were very busy. Mini lived in a nuclear family. She wished her grandparents stayed with her. But they preferred living in the village, as their health showed improvement in the village. During this vacation, Mini wanted to spend all the time with her parents. She wanted to visit some foreign locations with them. Mini kept her fingers crossed. Alas, her father wasn’t granted leave, and they had to cancel their travel plan.

Chagrined, Mini cursed her parents. They decided to take Mini to her grandparents. Mini loved staying in the village.
Her grandparents showered immense love on her. She didn’t miss her parents a lot. Her two-month vacation flew by instantly. She wished she could stay back more. She loved going to the temple with her grandmother, going to farms with her granddad, and plucking fruits from trees with the help of her granddad. Her mother cooked delicious food.

Soon, her vacation was over, and her parents arrived to take her. She was fond of her granddad's stories. When she came back home, she couldn’t sleep for nights. Her parents were worried and asked her the reason. She asked her father to call his granddad, who told her a bedtime story. Thus, Mini fell asleep. 
Then, every night, her father called Grandad and told her a story on the phone. Once, when Grandad was very critically ill, he asked the grandmother to write all his stories in a book. They sent the book to Mini. Thus, Mini developed her reading habit.

Moral– Life with grandparents is truly grand.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.