Saturday, January 11, 2020

King and his Life | Good short stories with moral

Good short stories with moral

Once upon a time, there lived a King named Surya. King Surya was a very generous king. His kingdom was an ideal one. His countrymen were very happy. He was known for justice, generosity, humility, and bravery. But the life of a King was never easy. With great power comes great responsibility and King Surya’s life was an ideal example of it. 

King Surya wished to see beautiful mountains, beaches, monuments, and more. But he never got a chance to leave his kingdom. His enemies were in look for an opportunity to attack. He could never travel far lands. For him, his priority was the safety of his land. One day he was filled with immense grief. He reached the river, not far from his palace. 

Sad King Surya looked at the river. Then he saw a bird sitting on a tree beside the river, and he started talking to it. But the bird flew away. He then started talking to flowers, but then a strong wind blew and took away the flowers with it. He then started talking to the river, and he vented his pain. Soon the river goddess came out of the river. Surya joined his hands and did namaste. 

The river goddess said, ‘I am extremely touched by your words.’ 

While the world thinks the life of a king is easy, it isn’t. She offered him help. She gave him a unique idea. She asked him to visit Painter Rama, who will visit places. He will paint those pictures for him. Like this, he can see those places without visiting them. 

Excited, Surya mounted his horse and reached Rama’s hut. Rama was first apprehensive about the proposal but then accepted it. Rama visited far places and drew rare flowers and scenery for him. Painting made the king very happy. He gave painter gold coins, jewels, and more. Painter too was happy. 

Once Rama presented a painting of a mountain. King was happy he showed his minister the picture. Minister laughed and said this mountain was not green; it was barren when he saw it. King was very angry, and he punished the painter. He declared lifetime imprisonment for Rama. Rama begged for forgiveness. 

King Surya visited the same river. The river goddess came out and said nature changes its form every season. Your minister must have seen the mountain in summer, and hence he didn’t see any greenery there. King realized his mistake and apologized to Rama.

Moral of the story - Always trust the people you work for you.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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