Saturday, January 4, 2020

King Surya’s Integrity | Bedtime stories for kids

Bedtime stories for kids
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Once upon a time, there lived a prince called Surya. Surya loved his mother a lot. When he reached his twenties, he ascended the throne and became a king. He became the youngest ruler of his country. His mother started searching for his prospective bride. She liked Nandini as her future daughter-in-law. Nandini was her friend’s daughter. She promised marriage to her friend. But Surya had other plans.

He loved his childhood friend Surekha. Surekha was a farmer’s daughter. Surya married her and came back to his kingdom. When mother came to know about Surya’s marriage with Surekha, she was filled with rage. Chagrined she decided to leave the palace and started living in the forests. Surya when reached the palace to meet his mother. He took Surekha along. He wanted to surprise her mother. But shock awaited him. He was devasted to know his mother is angry. He went to the woods. His mother didn’t speak to him. He begged and cried for forgiveness. But she didn’t budge. At last, Surya decided to come back when his mother’s anger has subsided.

Surya didn’t eat for many days. He didn’t speak to Surekha too. Worried, Surekha decided to take the matter in her hands. She thought the royal mother had not seen her yet. She changed her royal attire to a simple village girl. Simpleton Surekha reached the woods. She began searching for her mother.

She saw the royal mother was living in a small hut. She cursed herself. But she controlled herself and met the royal mother. Royal mother offered her food, water. Royal mother was surprised to see Surekha’s soft hands. She complimented Surekha’s soft hands. Royal mother asked her about her husband. She said my husband is very upset and he is not in the village. She said her husband has not eaten for days. Royal mother sympathized with her.

Royal mother was generous and offered Surekha to stay back. Surekha accepted the invitation. Royal mother didn’t know that she was Surya’s wife and her daughter-in-law. Surekha took care of the royal mother. She did all household chores, in spite of the royal mother having servants at her disposal, Surekha did all work for her. The royal mother was happy. Surekha won her heart.

At last, Surekha decided to reveal her truth to the royal mother.

But before her revelation, Surya arrived to meet his mother. On seeing Surekha, he ran to her and hugged her. Royal mother saw this and blamed Surekha for being deceitful to her. Royal mother understood Surekha was Surya’s wife.

Surekha started crying; she covered her face with her hands and cried. Then the royal mother saw her hand. She remembered the first time they met; her hands were soft. Now her hands were bruised and rough. Royal mother wiped Surekha’s tears. She realized her mistake; she judged her wrongly. Royal mother, Surya, and Surekha returned happily to their palace. They lived happily ever after.

Moral of the story- Goodness always finds its way.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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