Monday, September 28, 2020

Short stories indian folk tales | The woodcutter and the ax

short stories indian folk tales

Once upon a time, there lived a woodcutter named Bhola. Bhola worked in the King’s royal kitchen. His job was to ensure the royal kitchen never ran out of firewood. His routine was to get up early in the morning, mount his horse, and go to the jungle to get firewood.

One fine day, when he got up, it was raining heavily. There was no firewood in the royal reserve, too, as the king had hosted a huge gathering one day prior. Alas, today, it was pouring continuously. Worried, Bhola didn’t know what he should do. He met the king and said, “My Lord, I am quitting my job as the royal woodcutter. I failed to provide firewood to the royal kitchen this morning. I am not the best in my work.”

The queen, also in the room, said, “But my Lord, we have enough food from last evening's gathering. We don’t need firewood for the next two days.”

The King and queen told Bhola it was not his fault, but Bhola insisted on quitting the job.

The king asked him to give his axe to him and asked him to promise not to do woodcutting ever. He gave his axe to the king and promised the king that he would do as he said.

“You have given your axe to me; now you can leave,” said the King.
Bhola left the palace. He only took his clothes and coins he had saved from his salary. He reached his village. Every day, he missed his axe dearly. Bhola thought about what job he could do apart from woodcutting. Soon, his coins and savings were over, and he had not considered a new job.

He returned to the palace, told the King what he felt, and asked him to return his axe.

King laughed and said, “Now you realize that to do your job, you need not be the best, but you need to be sincere. That you are. You missed your axe, and you love your job very sincerely. Rains were just a situation that was out of your control.”

Bhola happily took his axe back and joined back as the royal woodcutter.

Moral- Don’t try to become the best; try to be sincere.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Very short stories with moral | Miser man and his wealth

very short stories with moral

A very long time ago, there lived a miser man named Achuta. Achuta worked hard all day to earn two coins. He kept one coin in his pocket to meet his day-to-day expenses. And kept the other coin in the pot inside the vault. He treated this pot as his reserve wealth. He never intended to touch it.

Once, Achuta had to visit his sister’s home. His sister stayed very far from his village. He was worried about leaving his wealth open for a thief in an empty house. So, he brought home a dog and trained him not to allow anyone to enter the house.

Before the day he had to leave for his sister’s home, Achuta decided to test the dog. In the darkness of night, he entered his house dressed up in black clothes, pretending to be a goon. The dog saw him; instead, the dog didn’t bark but went and sat at Achuta’s feet.

Achuta was disappointed and removed the dog after beating it very severely. He cancelled his trip and sent the letter to his sister.
After a few days, an old man came to his house. He was Achuta’s uncle. Achuta welcomed him and told him about the dog.
Achuta’s uncle laughed, saying, “You shouldn’t have removed the dog. He was faithful.”

Surprised, Achuta asked him, “How can you say he was faithful when he allowed a goon to enter the house?”

“Because he has recognized you dressed as a goon. Don’t you know dogs recognize their master by smell,” said the uncle.

Achuta realized his mistake and started looking for the dog, but he could not find him. Repenting his actions, he would now live worrying about his wealth forever.

Moral- Aim to create wealth, but don’t let it make your life miserable.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Moral stories for students | Pundit and the rich man

Moral stories for students

Once upon a time, there lived a pundit named Joshi. Joshi was famous in the village and considered a wise man. People used to approach him for advice on their important matters. One day, a rich man came to the Pundit and invited him to his home for lunch.

Pundit Joshi, a foodie, wasted no time and agreed to come home. When he arrived, he was welcomed by the rich man and his family. His family consisted of his wife and daughter. His daughter Shalu was a very beautiful girl. Pundit Joshi asked the rich man to get him married to his daughter.

The proposal made the rich man very angry and insulted Pundit Joshi. He said, “My daughter lives in a big home, and you want her to marry a poor man like you. Do you think a pauper like you deserve to marry my princess?”

Pundit Joshi immediately left the house and went to the King's palace. Pundit Joshi knew the big secret of the rich man's fortune. He met the King and said that the rich man was corrupt, and he had seen him sell grains at a very exorbitant rate and not pay taxes. King ordered his royal courtiers to arrest the rich man. The rich man was presented in court and was found guilty. The king punished the rich man, but as per the king's order, he could never do any business. Pundit Joshi was rewarded with huge farmland. Slowly, the rich man had to sell off his properties to survive. Meanwhile, Pundit Joshi used the land for farming and later built a big house. In a few years, the rich man became poor, and Pundit Joshi became rich. Thus, he took his revenge.

Moral- Never insult anyone for being small.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Story of two friends | | Urban stories with moral lesson

Story of two friends

Once upon a time, there lived two friends named Sunil and Amar. Sunil worked as an accountant in a multinational company, and Amar was a sales manager. Sunil and Amar would meet every morning at a park, and they would jog and exercise. 

One fine day, Amar invited Sunil to a dinner party at his home. This was the first time Amar visited Sunil’s home. He was surprised to see Sunil’s plush home. He wondered why he worked as an Accountant. Intrigued about Sunil’s riches, Amar invited him to his house for a private dinner. Two friends spoke at length, and Amar discovered Sunil had inherited the home from his father.

That day, Amar arrived home very disappointed. He wished his father had properties like that, and he started to become jealous of Sunil. Amar misbehaved with his father, saying, “I wish you were rich like Sunil’s father.”

Then, one day, after their walk, Sunil is confined to Amar, who cannot maintain the home and wishes to sell it. He said, “I have found a buyer, too, and would you help sell it.”

Amar agreed to help Sunil. That day, Amar reached home very sad; he realized his mistake of ill-treating his father and his mistake of being jealous of a friend.

He decided to apologize to his father, but his father was not at home. Amar then went to Sunil’s house, and they waited for the buyer to come. Amar was surprised to see that the buyer was his father.

Amar’s father wanted to buy the property and gift it to him. Amar’s father had redeemed his retirement savings to buy the house. Amar cried and touched his father’s feet. Sunil realized the buyer was Amar’s father.

They had dinner and a great evening together.

Moral- Learn to forgive and learn to learn from your mistakes.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Indian bedtime stories | Magic of Magical Tales

Magic of Magical Tales

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Shivi. Shivi was a very pretty and beautiful-looking girl. She was very proud of her beauty. When she attained her youth, her parents decided to get her married. Several kings, merchants, and renowned artists across the country sent their proposals. This filled Shivi with immense pride, and her parents decided to get her married to King Veer.

King Veer was younger than Shivi. Shivi was not ready to marry him, but after seeing the King’s riches, she changed her decision. King Veer was indeed in love with her. However, Shivi was happy with him because of his wealth. Their marriage was held with a grand extravaganza. Everyone who attended the wedding said they were mesmerized by Shivi's beauty.

But Shivi offended King Veer many times for his age.
King Veer, witty, replied, “You too will grow old one day, my love.” Shivi laughed, hearing those words as if age would never harm her.

After many years of marriage, one fine day, Shivi realized she, too, was growing old. People were no longer talking about her beauty, which made her very unhappy and upset. But King Veer’s love was unaffected by her beauty. Shivi could not see King Veer’s sincerity. She doubted him and sought a solution to keep her youth intact forever.

Shivi met witch Hella and ordered her, “Get me youth potion it or else I will make King Veer kill you.”
King Veer was courageous, and witch Hella knew he could kill her.

So, she tricked Shivi and said, “Only a queen can enter the cave to get the potion.”

Desperate, Shivi could not smell the trick and followed Hella to a perilous cave. Hella knew if Shivi entered the cave, she would never return. But Shivi, desperate to get the potion, entered without thinking. She got trapped inside the cave.

King Veer was waiting for her in the palace. He started looking for her, but he couldn't find her anywhere. Then, one day, a woodcutter told King Veer about the cave where he saw Shivi. King Veer reached the cave and bravely rescued Shivi.

Shivi realized her mistake.

She asked King Veer to forgive her, “To save my life, you entered a perilous cave. Please forgive me for mistreating you for not being young.”

King Veer said, “I love you for who you are and not for your beauty.”

From that day, Shivi never thought about retaining her youth.
They lived happily ever after.

Moral- Sincerity is the most excellent form of beauty.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Folk tales story with moral lesson | Born for a Princess

folk tales story with moral lesson

Once upon a time, there lived a young boy who wanted to marry a Princess. His name was Soma. He lived in a tiny hut beside a vast mountain. His father was a farmer. He worked hard all day, and Soma thought he would never become a farmer.

One day, he took him to his fields. Standing in the middle of their farms, he said, ‘Son, look at that mountain. It reminds us to be humble and to dream within our limit.’

Soma understood what his father said but chose not to agree with him. Instead, he had another plan: to avoid becoming a farmer. But if not a farmer, then what.

One day, he went to the village fair. She saw a pretty girl named Tara. He followed her and saw she was buying anything she liked without bargaining. Her clothes were made of silk. She looked like a fairy. He looked at a single coin clutched in his hand. And wondered what he could buy in this one coin while her world was so different.

After following her for a while, Soma learned she was Princess Tara. Then he decided he would become a rich man by marrying a princess. That night, when he reached home, he told his father that he would like to leave the next morning and come back only when he became a rich man.

While his father was happy, his mother was upset. His father was delighted that he understood his responsibility. The next morning, Soma left with a single coin in hand. He crossed the river in a boat. He gave that coin to the rower. Left with nothing, he walked to the market and saw a horse. The horse belonged to an old man. The old man asked Soma to get grass for his horse. Soma did that. The old man offered Soma to take the horse with him. Soma asked the reason. The old man started crying, saying, “I have no energy to bring grass for my horse. I have no children who can take care of me.’

Soma took the horse and promised to take care of it. But he also realized his mother and father would be alone, just like the old man. He went back to his village with the horse, worked hard in his fields, and took care of his parents. He never thought of being rich and made his parents his priority.

Moral- Learn from your mistakes.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Short stories Indian folk tales | A tale of flower fairy

short stories indian folk tales

A very long time ago, a prince called Amar lived there. Amar was brave, and his people eagerly waited to make him King. But in Amar’s Kingdom, there was a tradition that only a married prince could become a King. When his father King told him about the tradition and his wish to make Amar king. Amar agreed and told him about his desire to marry Sonika. King was pleased with Amar’s choice and asked him to bring Sonika. Sonika was an ordinary girl from the neighbouring kingdom. However, King was delighted with Amar’s choice as he liked Sonika as his daughter-in-law. This made Amar very happy, and he mounted his horse and started for Sonika’s house.

On his way, he remembered the first time he saw Sonika. They met in a garden, where Sonika was plucking flowers to make perfumes. She made perfumes, and her father sold them in a market. Amar remembered how he had brought all her scents to impress Sonika. He laughed at himself. Suddenly, a thought came to him, and he decided to propose to her with a rare flower. He reached his royal garden caretaker, Bhola’s house. Amar asked him to bring him some rare flowers. Amar looked at them, but he didn’t find anything.
Then Bhola said, “Only Flower Fairy can help you with a rare flower you are looking for.”

Amar immediately mounted his horse and reached the fairyland. He asked for Flower Fairy and met her. Flower Fairy was very upset. She told Amar that she had lost her magical wand. Amar decided to help her. In the magic mirror, they saw the wand with the witch Hella. Amar reached Hella’s hut. He decided to trick her.

Amar asked her if she wanted a magical gem, which was more powerful than the wand. Witch Hella had magical powers, but she was dumb. It was easy to fool her. She agreed, and Amar said that it was in that bottle. Amar had placed a prism in a bottle. Hella looked at the bottle and said there was nothing special about the gem. Amar took the bottle near the window. He held the bottle in his palm and allowed the sunlight to pass through it. Prism shone like a rainbow. Hella was surprised, and she attacked Amar. Amar pretended to get defeated and let her go inside the bottle. Amar capped the bottle and threw it into the sea. He took the wand to Flower Fairy, and she gave Amar a rare flower. Amar started to rush to Sonika, but Flower Fairy stopped him and said Sonika was waiting for him in that room. Amar thanked Flower Fairy and reached the room. He proposed to Sonika, and she said yes. They lived happily ever after.

Moral- Good always pays you good.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Indian bedtime stories for kids | Love wins all odds

Indian bedtime stories for kids

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess called Surekha. But Surekha was not only known for her beauty but also for her arrogant nature. She would mistreat her maids and other people of her kingdom. Her father, King, was very upset with her behaviour. He often wondered who would marry her.

Sureka, with her maids, went to the royal garden one fine summer morning. She was very happy and wanted to spend time near the pond in the royal garden. So, she started to walk towards the pond.

Touching her hand gently on the flowers as she walked. ‘Ouch.’ She cried as her hand got pricked by the thorns. Her gaze fell on a very handsome man. She fell in love with him at the very instant. She asked her maid to inquire who that man was. The maid rushed out of the royal garden and returned after a while. She told Surekha, “Princess, the handsome man is Prince Amar. He is here with his father and our royal guest.”

Surekha summoned Prince Amar to meet her. Prince Amar was aware of Surekha’s nature. He knew she was very arrogant. As soon as he reached the chamber, “Marry me, my Prince charming,” said Surekha.

Prince Amar politely refused her proposal. This made Surekha very angry, and she started abusing Amar and his father, King. Amar didn’t utter a word. Then Surekha boasted about her beauty. Amar laughed and said, “If you think you are beautiful, then go and see Fairy Opal in Fairyland.” He walked out laughing.

Surekha was never insulted like this in her life. She decided to go to fairyland. She called for her father’s magical flight. She reached the fairy land’s gate. She couldn’t enter the gate. After several unsuccessful attempts, the gate said, “This gate doesn’t allow any human to enter.”

Fuming, he went to meet witch Hella. Surekha told Hella about Prince Amar and his challenge. Surekha asked Hella to bring her Fairy Opal and destroy her face. Hella accepted the work for a huge fee. Hella went to the fairyland disguised as a fairy maid. Fairy Opal was a sweet fairy. She asked Hella to stay with her. While Fairy Opal was fast asleep, Hella hit on her head. Assuming her real form, she magically shrunk Fairy Opal. Hella put her in a bottle and reached Surekha’s chamber.

Surekha asked her maid to bring Amar to her chamber. Amar reached her chamber, and he wasn’t surprised to see Hella. Hella laughed monstrously, removed a bottle, and placed it on a table. He opened the bottle, and out came Fairy Opal. Fairy Opal was happy to see Amar. She ran to him and hugged her.
She said, “You did it, my love. You got me here.”

Amar then revealed his plan. He had tricked Surekha into getting Fairy Opal, as no human could enter there. Fuming, Surekha ordered Hella to kill them. Fairy Opal then shrunk Sureka and Hella and put them into the bottle.

Moral- Wit is the biggest weapon of all.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Mini and her grandmother | Story with moral value

story with moral value

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Mini. Mini was full of life. Mini stayed in Mumbai. While her grandmother lived in the village. She missed her a lot. Her grandmother never visited her in Mumbai. She always asked Mini to come to the town. While Mini liked going to the village. She wondered what was stopping her grandmother from coming to meet her in Mumbai. Mini had to wait for six months for a vacation to come. She wished she could introduce her to her friends if her grandmother could come to Mumbai. Grandmother could make sweet delicacies for her. All the fun she had with her in the village show could be enjoyed here. Alas, grandmother would never come. But Mini was not the one who would give it up so easily. So, she made a plan. She asked her granddad the reason that was stopping her grandmother. Granddad revealed that her grandmother was shy and could not converse in English. She didn’t want to embarrass Mini in front of her friends. Hence, she refrained from going to the city. Mini decided to teach grandmother English.
On the following vacation, Mini spoke only in English. Grandmother was initially very embarrassed, but slowly, she started developing her confidence. Mini was happy to help her grandmother. Mini and her grandmother came to the city together when the vacation was over. Mini’s parents were surprised to see her.

Moral – Even children can teach you a lot. 

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Mini goes to her village | Short stories for motivation

Urban short stories from India featuring urban life

Mini, a five-year-old girl, was full of apprehension about her vacation. Her parents worked for a multinational company and were very busy. Mini lived in a nuclear family. She wished her grandparents stayed with her. But they preferred living in the village, as their health showed improvement in the village. During this vacation, Mini wanted to spend all the time with her parents. She wanted to visit some foreign locations with them. Mini kept her fingers crossed. Alas, her father wasn’t granted leave, and they had to cancel their travel plan.

Chagrined, Mini cursed her parents. They decided to take Mini to her grandparents. Mini loved staying in the village.
Her grandparents showered immense love on her. She didn’t miss her parents a lot. Her two-month vacation flew by instantly. She wished she could stay back more. She loved going to the temple with her grandmother, going to farms with her granddad, and plucking fruits from trees with the help of her granddad. Her mother cooked delicious food.

Soon, her vacation was over, and her parents arrived to take her. She was fond of her granddad's stories. When she came back home, she couldn’t sleep for nights. Her parents were worried and asked her the reason. She asked her father to call his granddad, who told her a bedtime story. Thus, Mini fell asleep. 
Then, every night, her father called Grandad and told her a story on the phone. Once, when Grandad was very critically ill, he asked the grandmother to write all his stories in a book. They sent the book to Mini. Thus, Mini developed her reading habit.

Moral– Life with grandparents is truly grand.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

King and his Life | Good short stories with moral

Good short stories with moral

Once upon a time, there lived a King named Surya. King Surya was a very generous king. His kingdom was an ideal one, and his countrymen were very happy. He was known for justice, generosity, humility, and bravery. But the life of a King was never easy. With great power comes great responsibility, and King Surya’s life was an ideal example of it. 

King Surya wished to see beautiful mountains, beaches, monuments, and more. But he never got a chance to leave his kingdom. His enemies were looking for an opportunity to attack. He could never travel to far lands. For him, his priority was the safety of his land. One day, he was filled with immense grief. He reached the river, not far from his palace. 

Sad King Surya looked at the river. Then he saw a bird sitting on a tree beside the river, and he started talking to it. But the bird flew away. He then started talking to flowers, but a strong wind blew and took away the flowers. He then started talking to the river, and he vented his pain. Soon, the river goddess came out of the river. Surya joined his hands and did namaste. 

The river goddess said, ‘I am extremely touched by your words.’ 

While the world thinks the life of a king is easy, it isn’t. She offered him help. She gave him a unique idea. She asked him to visit Painter Rama, who will visit places. He will paint those pictures for him. Like this, he can see those places without visiting them. 

Excited, Surya mounted his horse and reached Rama’s hut. Rama was first apprehensive about the proposal but then accepted it. Rama visited places far away and drew rare flowers and scenery for him. Painting made the king very happy. He gave the painter gold coins, jewels, and more. Painter, too, was delighted. 

Once, Rama presented a painting of a mountain. The king was happy when he showed his minister the picture. The minister laughed and said this mountain was not green; it was barren when he saw it. The king was very angry, and he punished the painter. He declared lifetime imprisonment for Rama. Rama begged for forgiveness. 

King Surya visited the same river. The river goddess came out and said nature changes its form every season. Your minister must have seen the mountain in summer, and hence, he didn’t see any greenery there. The king realized his mistake and apologized to Rama.

Moral- Always trust the people you work for you.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

King Surya’s Integrity | Bedtime stories for kids

Bedtime stories for kids
Google Image

Once upon a time, there lived a prince called Surya. Surya loved his mother a lot. When he reached his twenties, he ascended the throne and became a king. He became the youngest ruler of his country. His mother started searching for his prospective bride. She liked Nandini as her future daughter-in-law. Nandini was her friend’s daughter. She promised marriage to her friend. But Surya had other plans.

He loved his childhood friend Surekha. Surekha was a farmer’s daughter. Surya married her and came back to his kingdom. The mother was filled with rage when she learned about Surya’s marriage to Surekha. Chagrined, she left the palace and started living in the forests. Surya when reached the palace to meet his mother. He took Surekha along. He wanted to surprise her mother. But shock awaited him. He was devasted to know his mother was angry. He went to the woods. His mother didn’t speak to him. He begged and cried for forgiveness. But she didn’t budge. At last, Surya decided to return when his mother’s anger subsided.

Surya didn’t eat for many days. He didn’t speak to Surekha too. Worried, Surekha decided to take the matter in her hands. She thought the royal mother had not seen her yet. She changed her royal attire to a simple village girl. Simpleton Surekha reached the woods. She began searching for her mother.

She saw the royal mother living in a small hut. She cursed herself, but she controlled herself and met the royal mother. The royal mother offered her food and water. The royal mother was surprised to see Surekha’s soft hands. She complimented Surekha’s soft hands. The royal mother asked her about her husband. She said, "My husband is very upset, and he is not in the village." She said her husband had not eaten for days. The royal mother sympathized with her.

Royal mother was generous and offered Surekha to stay back. Surekha accepted the invitation. The royal mother didn’t know she was Surya’s wife and daughter-in-law. Surekha took care of the royal mother. She did all household chores, in spite of the royal mother having servants at her disposal, Surekha did all work for her. The royal mother was happy. Surekha won her heart.

At last, Surekha decided to reveal her truth to the royal mother.

But before her revelation, Surya arrived to meet his mother. On seeing Surekha, he ran to her and hugged her. The royal mother saw this and blamed Surekha for being deceitful. The royal mother understood that Surekha was Surya’s wife.

Surekha started crying. She covered her face with her hands and cried. Then the royal mother saw her hand. She remembered the first time they met; her hands were soft. Now, her hands were bruised and rough. The royal mother wiped Surekha’s tears. She realized her mistake; she judged her wrongly. The royal mother, Surya, and Surekha returned happily to their palace. They lived happily ever after.

Moral- Goodness always finds its way.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.