Monday, September 9, 2019

The Priceless Wisdom | Folktale of India

Bedtime stories for children
Once upon a time, there lived a merchant called Rudra. Every morning he strolled near the river and then resumed his day’s work. The beauty of the river mesmerized him and gave a perfect start to his day. One day he found a costly ring near the river. He picked it up and wondered whose ring it could be. 

While returning from the river, he heard people talking about princess Shri’s visit to the river. Rudra understood that the ring could belong to her. He went to the palace and gave a ring to the King. King Yayati called princess Shri and gave her a ring. Princess Shri refused to take the ring as it didn’t belong to her. Rudra’s honesty touched King Yayati and gave him a ring back.

Rudra, however, was anxious about the ring. And was anxious and wanted to return the ring to the owner at any cost.

The next morning, he went to the river. Asked the birds if they knew who is the owner of the ring. The birds too couldn’t answer. Then he decided to ask trees if they have witnessed anything. They also couldn’t tell it. 

There was a priest who saw Rudra eagerly looking for the ring’s owner. The priest walked to him and offered his words of wisdom.

He said, 'The ring belongs to you. It is in your destiny.'

He also said Rudra should keep it. Rudra went back home. The whole night he tossed in the bed thinking about the priest’s words. He decided to keep the ring. However, the next morning, he walked to the river and dropped the ring in it.

‘I don’t know who this ring belongs to, but I am sure you know about it,’ said Rudra. Rudra prayed to the river to accept it.

The river goddess arrived from the stream. She was impressed with Rudra’s honesty and gifted her the ring.

‘I kept this ring near the river to test you, my son,’ said the river goddess. She gifted him the ring. Rudra happily wore the ring. The priest came to meet Rudra and said, ‘I told you that this ring is in your destiny.’

Rudra had to accept the priest’s wisdom.

Moral – A wise man knows all.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at 

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