Monday, September 16, 2019

Sachi’s Best Doll | Folktale of India

Bedtime stories for children
Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Sachi. Sachi made a living by selling clay dolls made by her mother. Sachi was only seven-years-old. Her father died a few years ago, leaving behind him a small house. Sachi and her mother comfortably lived there. 

Her mother made dolls from clay, and Sachi went to the village market to sell them. Sachi’s best friend, Satya, told her about the big fair happening outside the village. Both Satya and Sachi walked there to sell dolls, to earn extra money. Mother waited for Sachi till the evening. But when she didn’t return, she went to Satya’s house. Satya’s parents and Sachi’s mother went looking for them. Crying, they called their names. They didn’t know what to do.

Away from them, Satya and Sachi had reached outside the village. But there was no big fair happening there. Sachi started crying and scolded Satya. Together they started walking back to the village. Just then, a giant snake named Shesha came there hissing. She took the form of a snake girl.

‘What is this?’ she asked, looking at the basket full of dolls.

Satya and Sachi were so frightened, they could barely speak.

Mustering courage, Sachi said, ‘Dolls.’

Shesha said, ‘Oh! So human call this a doll.’

She started checking dolls. She then took one.

‘How much is this for?’ asked Shesha.

Sachi said that she could take them for free. But Shesha insisted on giving money. Shesha gave her a diamond ring.

Sachi refused to accept it. Shesha gave her a ring and asked Sachi to provide her with the best doll.

Sachi gave her a pink doll. Happily, Shesha went away. Satya and Sachi reached home. She showed her mother a ring. Her mother kept the ring in the box and locked it. After a few days, magic started happening, and soon, they became wealthy. Satya and her parents were surprised. Satya told them about the ring Shesha gave to Sachi.

Satya’s parents decided to rob it. They stole it and kept in their house. They expected magic to happen. But to their horror. Satya’s father lost his job; his mother could barely move her legs. Satya, too suffered a heavy fever. Satya’s father realized his mistake and returned the ring to Sachi’s mother. Sachi’s mother took the ring, and just then, the ring started sparkling.

‘This is a gift to Sachi for giving Shesha the best doll. No one apart from Sachi can own this ring,’ said the ring.

Sachi’s mother kept the ring in the box and locked it. She hugged Sachi and told her that the ring belongs only to her, and she should never lose the ring. Sachi promised her mother to never lose the ring.

Moral- Greed is your biggest enemy.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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