Monday, September 2, 2019

Back to Gurukul | Folktale of India

folk tales story with moral lessonA very long, long time ago, there lived a prince called Arjun. Arjun was only seven-years-old when his father, King Yayati, enrolled him in a Gurukul. His teacher, saint Palasa was very disciplined. Arjun hated living in Gurukul. 

He missed the palace. Palasa’s rule made Arjun very anxious, and he wondered when he would go back to his kingdom. Soon a year passed, and came the time when Arjun was allowed to go back to his kingdom. Arjun decided he will never come back again.

After reaching the palace, he met his mother, Queen Pritha. Pritha loved Arjun a lot. For her, Arjun’s wishes were very important. Arjun knew if he tells his mother about the discomforts he faced there. Pritha would never allow him to go back. But to his surprise, Pritha didn’t budge. Instead, he wished Arjun that he was lucky to have a disciplined teacher. Disappointed Arjun wondered how to avoid going back to Gurukul. Then he met his grandmother Rati. Rati, too explained Arjun about having proper schooling. Disappointed Arjun had no one to go.

At last, he decided to meet his father, King Yayati. Yayati was very smart. He took Arjun on a day’s picnic. And he then took a bath in a river, enjoyed freshly cooked fish from the river. Arjun enjoyed the day.

Then Yayati said, ‘Oh! I missed my medicines.’

‘Wait, I will get medicines for you,’ said Arjun.

He ran inside the tent they built near the river. Arjun saw big bags, but he couldn’t read the label. Hence, he couldn’t figure out which one bag belongs to medicines.

Disappointed, Arjun came out of the hut.

‘Sorry, father I couldn’t get medicines as I couldn’t read it’ said Arjun.

‘Now you know why studying is important,’ said Yayati.

Arjun realized his mistake of wasting a year in Gurukul and not able to learn to read. He promised Yayati to be serious about his education.

Moral – Schooling is essential.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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