Monday, August 19, 2019

Tara’s Generosity | Folktale of India

folk tales story with moral lesson
Once upon a time, there lived a merchant called Mandara. He lived alone in his bungalow. His parents died a few years ago. He had no siblings. Mandara never complained of his misery. He concentrated on his work and considered his employees' servants like his family. 

Because of his loving nature, he had some good friends too. But living alone in a bungalow was very painful for Mandara. One-night, Mandara grieved in pain and left the bungalow and walked to the woods. He stopped near the river and started crying loudly. Another sound of crying overpowered his cries. He looked around and saw a baby in a basket.

He bought the baby home. He started looking after the baby. He named her Tara. Mandara was overjoyed to have someone at home. Tara became his world. He always dressed up Tara like a doll. Tara’s smile made him smile too. Years passed, and Tara was now five-year-old.
Mandara’s uncle, who lived in another village, came to meet him. He got a marriage proposal from his friends’ daughter for Mandara. Mandara agreed to get married. He thought Tara would have a mother.
Tara was happy to have a mother. Her name was Maya. Maya was a lovely looking woman. But Tara’s beauty filled her with immense jealousy. Mandara’s love for Tara made her hate Tara even more.

Maya pretended to love Tara in front of Mandara. Once Mandara was gone for day’s work. She would beat her up. Mandara was unaware of Tara's plight.

‘I have to go for a long work trip. I will be back in a month,’ said Mandara.

He started his journey. Taking the opportunity, Maya threw Tara out of the house. Crying, Tara walked to the woods. An old woman living in a hut near the jungle saw Tara. She took Tara to her home. Tara started living with her.

Once Mandara was back, he asked about Tara.

Maya said, crying, ‘Tara went to the village fair and has not returned since then.’
Mandara started looking for her like a mad man. He cried a lot. Mandara’s servant told him about Maya’s truth. Mandara threw Maya out of the home. Maya begged for his forgiveness.  
Mandara left for the jungle to search Tara. After a month, he was able to locate Tara. Tara was elated to see Mandara.

‘Father, I knew you would come to take me,’ said Tara.

‘I threw that lady out of the house,’ said Mandara.

‘You didn’t do the right thing to the mother,’ said Tara.

Tara’s generosity touched Mandara’s heart. They both looked for Maya. They found Maya begging near the temple. Maya had learned her lesson. Maya, Mandara, and Tara lived happily ever after.

Moral- Generosity is the biggest blessing; own it!

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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