Monday, August 5, 2019

Wit as Strong as your Will | Folktale of India

short stories indian folk tales
Once upon a time, there lived a king called Hari. Hari and his queen wife Jaya lived happily in their palace. Their kingdom was very prosperous. And Hari was revered a lot by his countrymen. After many years of their marriage, Jaya gave birth to twin girls. 

King was joyous on the birth of girls. But Jaya was not happy. She was worried about their dynasty. Hari gave his words of wisdom to Jaya and helped her overcome her fears.

‘Our daughters will take our dynasty ahead. They will rule after me,’ said Hari.

They named girls- Kanika and Kali. Girls were different from each other. They always competed with each other. As they knew, the capable one would be declared queen. Their competitive attitude became a worry for Jaya. However, Hari had some other plans. He got Kali and Kanika married. They thought this would put an end to their animosity. Instead, they drove their husbands into the race. Like, sisters, even their husbands started competing with the support of their wives.

Hari and Jaya had to do something about it. They asked their daughter and son-in-law to leave the palace and live on their own. Hari declared in the kingdom that no one could help them.

Hardships of life warmed up Kali towards Kanika. They realized the sibling bond. They started caring for each other. Even their husbands began liking each other. Jaya and Hari got them back to the palace. Then came the time when he had to declare the King. Jaya and Hari were worried that again, his daughter would grow apart.

He didn’t wish to spoil this for anyone. He shared his concerns with Jaya. Hari then visited his friend, Tenali. Tenali was known for his sharp wit. Tenali gave Hari a solution.

After reaching his palace, he called his daughters. He asked his daughter Kali if he loved Kanika enough. And he asked Kanika the same question. He asked, ‘Are you willing to make sacrifices for your country?’ Both Kali and Kanika replied in affirmation. Kali and Kanika also accepted that they love their sibling bond. He then divided his kingdom into two. And he gave Kali one side of the land. He gave Kanika the other side of his kingdom.

He said, ‘Make your wit as strong as your will. And with your wit run the kingdom.’

Kali and Kanika happily served their kingdom as Queen. They never disputed with each other. Their will to help their countrymen was transformed into wit by Tenali’s solution.

Moral- No problem is big enough not to have a solution.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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