Monday, July 22, 2019

King Dhruva and Courtier | Folktale of India

folk tales story with moral lessonKing Dhruva was a childless King. The worry of the end of his dynasty and his family reign took a toll on his health. He spent sleepless nights, tossing over the bed. Fear of old age approaching him gripped him. Queen saw his anxiety. She suggested that he should talk to his courtier, Rama. Rama was known for his loyalty. Unfortunately, Rama was not in the palace. 

He had gone to visit his family in the South. Anxious King mounted his horse and went to the South. Rama was delighted to see his King. And he welcomed him with open arms. King was served delicacies. King shared his problem with Rama. Rama suggested to him about adopting a child. This made King very angry. And he left Rama’s house in a rage. Rama, too decided to cancel his holiday and reached the palace.

Meanwhile, Dhruva discussed Rama’s suggestion with Queen. He expressed his anger. Queen, who liked the suggestion, could not tell it. She didn’t wish to go against King.

Rama arrived the next day. He tried to meet King, but he was not allowed. Rama continued serving his duties. But he was not allowed to meet King. So, Rama decided to meet Queen. Queen expressed her happiness on adopting a child. They decided to make King realize that Rama was not wrong.

Rama, dressed as an astrologer, arrived at King’s court. Queen welcomed him and asked him to stay in the palace for a few days. Dhruva and Queen served Rama, who posed as an astrologer. Rama said he should adopt a child. Dhruva immediately agreed, considering it as a word of a wise man.

Then Rama removed his bread. Dhruva realized his mistake. And he adopted a boy child. He raised him to be a future King. Queen and King were pleased and loved him unconditionally. The boy child was named Arya. Arya, too loved him the same way. Arya made his family dynasty very proud of his achievements and administration.

Dhruva was very grateful to Rama and his Queen to make him realize his mistake.

Moral – To be happy who don’t need the right solution. You need a hearty solution.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at 

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