Monday, July 8, 2019

Princess Indrani and Farmer | Folktale of India

Indian bedtime stories for kidsPrincess Indrani was the only daughter of King Arya. King Arya raised his daughter Indrani very lovingly. He pampered her a lot. Being the only daughter of the King, her every demand was fulfilled. But Princess Indrani was very prudent. She valued her father’s affection and never misused her power. 

When she grew 20-year-old, she met Surya, a farmer. She fell deeply in love with farmer Surya. Surya belonged to a very humble background. Princess Indrani was ready to leave the palace to be Surya’s wife.

Soon they both decided to get married. Surya and Indrani both met King Arya to seek permission for the marriage. King Arya was very happy for his daughter. He asked Surya to stay in the palace after marriage. Surya was an orphan, and he happily agreed.

King Arya arranged for a lavish ceremony. Royals of far and near kingdoms were invited. King Bala was too invited. He was a very close friend of King Arya.

‘My friend, you are making a big mistake by marrying your daughter to that poor farmer,’ said King Bala.

‘But they will stay will me after marriage, and one day I will make him King,’ said King Arya.

‘That day he will kill you and your daughter,’ said King Bala.
King Bala’s words made King Arya repent his decision. But all the arrangements had been made, and if he canceled the wedding, who will marry Princess Indrani.

King Bala offered his son, Prince Arjun’s proposal to marry Princess. King Arya declared to arrest Surya and put him in jail. Princess Indrani was shocked to learn about her father’s behavior.
Days passed, and Surya suffered in jail. Unaware of how long he would live there. Surya wondered where Princess Indrani was.
One day he got a chance to run away from the jail. Surya changed his looks entirely and grew thick bread. He learned about Princess Indrani’s marriage with Prince Arjun. His heart was filled with rage and sadness. He decided to meet Princess Indrani and went to their Kingdom. He chose to kill Prince Arjun.

King Arya too was at Prince Arjun’s kingdom was unaware of Surya’s successful attempt to run from prison. King Arya’s minister reached to give him the news. He was furious at learning the information.

Worried about Prince Arjun’s wellbeing, he decided to be his guard. He stayed beside him all day. Fear of Surya taking away Arjun’s life, gripped him. When Surya reached the palace. Sneaking, he went to meet Prince Arjun. He and Arjun informed King Arya that his life was in danger. Surya told him about a group of goons coming to attack him. King Arya attacked Surya. But Arjun asked Arya to leave Surya.

Arjun understood that Surya was here to protect him. After a while, Arjun’s minister informed him that Surya’s news was right. King Arya begged Surya for his forgiveness. Surya forgave him and wished Arjun and Princess Indrani good luck in their marriage.
Arjun laughed, ‘I am not married to Indrani. I married her cousin, Princess Damyanti.’

Surya was surprised to hear these words. Indrani came running to meet him; her wait turned into a beautiful reward.

King Arya happily got Princess Indrani, and Surya married. Arjun arranged for their marriage.

Moral – Waiting with patience is always worthwhile.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at 

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