Monday, June 10, 2019

The Rich Bride. The Poor Bride | Bedtime Stories for Kids

Indian bedtime stories for kids
Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy merchant called Soma. Soma lost his parents at a very young age. He had no one left in his family. He lived alone in his ancestral bungalow. He had a very loyal servant named Bhima. 

They were both of the same age. Bhima was an excellent cook and took care of Soma like his younger brother. While Soma was very arrogant and thought people care for him because of his financial status. His relatives tried to be cordial with him. But Soma arrogantly kept them away. At weddings, he would show off his wealth by gifting expensive items and then brag about it. This behavior of Soma irked his friends and relatives. After a few years, no one expected anything from him, and he had only one person with him- Bhima.

One day an old man came to Soma's house. Soma gladly received him; he remembered the old man as his father's best friend. Soma served him lavish food. The old man was not as rich as Soma. He came from a very humble background. He reminded Soma of his father's wish to marry his daughter. Soma offered him to stay for one night at his bungalow. The old man accepted the offer to stay for one night.

The next morning, Soma rejected the old man's daughter.
He said, 'Sorry, uncle, but there is a huge status difference.'

The old man was too heartbroken with his decision. He immediately left for his home. While the old man was boarding the cart, Bhima offered his hand to marry the daughter. The old man was pleased as Bhima was a very hard working and kind man. The marriage date was fixed.

After a few days of marriage, Bhima got his wife home. He got his bride to meet Soma. Soma was happy for Bhima. Inspired, Soma also fixed his marriage with the daughter of a wealthy man. When he saw Bhima happy with a bride from a humble background, he started thinking…

Will my bride from a wealthy family, keep me happy!

He regretted his decision to regret a poor bride. He discussed his dilemma with Bhima. Bhima and Soma were of the same age. So, despite Bhima being his servant, he shared many things with him. Bhima heard his concerns and gave Soma the idea of calling off his marriage. 

Next day, Soma went to his would-be bride's home. Soma was welcomed with great affection. Bhima revealed that he could not marry as he was soon to be broke with no monies left. The bride's father, Tiwari, immediately canceled the marriage.

Bhima and Soma happily returned home.

The next morning Soma was surprised to see Tiwari with his daughter at his bungalow. Tiwari said his daughter was adamant about marrying Soma.

Bhima revealed that he purposely suggested Soma cancel his marriage as he wanted to show him that the brides can be good or bad respective of their background. Bhima made Soma realize that he should stop being judgemental.

Moral - Never judge a book by its cover.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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