Monday, May 27, 2019

Prince Arjun learns a lesson from a fairy | Folktale of India

Indian bedtime stories for kids
Once upon a time, there lived a prince called Arjun. Prince Arjun was a fine warrior and had all traits a great ruler must-have. But his father, King Yayati, had a different opinion. He didn’t want Prince Arjun to ascend the throne and be his successor after he retires. This concern of King Yayati often bothered Prince Arjun and one day he decided to forever abandon his Kingdom.

One night without informing anyone he mounted on his horse. He rode to the jungle. The dense jungle was infamous inhabit of dangerous animals. He decided to look around for shelter. He dismounted from his horse and walked to a hut beside the jungle. He called out for help. No one replied, and he realized that the hut is empty. He walked in, something very fragrant tickled his nose. He followed the fragrance to the kitchen and saw a vessel. He uncovered the lid. Not only the food smelt good but it was also very delicious looking. He could not control his hunger and started eating it. He finished the entire vessel, relishing every morsel. Contented Prince Arjun dozed off near the vessel.

Just then, an old woman entered the hut. She had dry twigs in her hand. The weather was cold; maybe she got them to set the fire. Seeing Prince Arjun beside the empty vessel filled her with immense anger. She couldn’t control her anger and threw a huge cloth bundle on Prince Arjun’s head. He woke up with a start. The old woman’s angry expression was enough to tell him his mistake.

‘How dare you eat my food,’ shouted old woman.

Prince Arjun begged her for forgiveness. It was very late at night.

‘Now you cook for me,’ she said irritably.

He started cooking. Prince Arjun was a warrior and was taught how to make food for survival in the jungle or when on a secret mission. He cooked and offered food to the old woman. She had a bite and threw the plate away. Prince Arjun decided to make the food again. Once again, the plate was shoved onto his face. This happened almost around five times.

This time Prince Arjun couldn’t control it, and he vented it out, ‘It is so difficult to make you happy.’

‘Then why you have to make me happy?’ said the old woman.

Her words surprised Prince Arjun.

‘Why you have to keep everyone happy if your father thinks you are not fit to be a King, you simply do your duty with honesty. Don’t worry about other opinions,’ said the old woman.

Prince Arjun realized that he could not keep everyone happy in life.

‘Thank you for making me understand this. But how do you know about me?’ he asked.

The old woman then transformed herself into a fairy. Surprised Prince Arjun thanked her and came back to this kingdom, determined more than ever to serve his people.

Moral- Don’t try too hard to keep everyone happy in life.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at


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