Saturday, September 29, 2018

College Love Story | Injurious Love

College Love Story
Nishant was in the second year of his engineering college when he first saw Sharda. Sharda was his super-senior and was infamous for changing boyfriends too frequently.

This fact didn’t deter Nishant’s love for her. Initially, he thought he was attracted and infatuated to Sharda. But then he realized he was in love with Sharda. He spent hours in the college library waiting for her to come. Sharda spent most of her time at the library as no one used to talk to her. Courtesy, her last boyfriend, was the college’s most popular guy. When Sharda broke up with him, he bullied the entire college not to speak to her. Anyone spotted talking to Sharda was severely beaten. Sharda was considered a jinx in college.

One day, Sharda was waiting at the main gate for her car to come and pick her up. The college premises were entirely vacant at this time. Nishant walked up to her and attempted to give his introduction to her. She looked away and didn’t speak to him. 

The next day, Sharda was browsing books at the bookstore when her gaze fell on Nishant, and she walked up to her. 

‘I am sorry about not talking to you yesterday. I had no choice,’ said Sharda.

‘It’s okay. I understand,’ said Nishant. He was happy to finally speak to Sharda.

‘My last boyfriend won’t let anyone come near me; they could have injured you badly,’ said Sharda.

Nishant introduced himself to Sharda, who said she knew him. She told me about seeing him in the college library. Nishant thought the college library was finally useful to him.

Nishant immediately forgave her, and they became friends. Nishant and Sharda talked about books. She offered to share notes with him. Nishant spoke about his family. Sharda realized that their families knew each other. Instantly, they became a friend. Nishant was happy. This was the best day of his college life. But he couldn’t reveal his happiness to anyone. 

During college hours, they behaved like strangers, and after college, they used to meet in a bookstore. Nishant was relieved that Sharda was nothing like she was rumoured to be in college. He hated her last boyfriend for maligning her character. Even girls in the college were not allowed to talk to Sharda. Sharda missed her best friend, Sheena.

Sheena and Sharda used to speak only on phone calls. Sharda introduced Sheena to Nishant. Nishant and Sheena hated Sharda’s ex-boyfriend. 

After a few months, Nishant proposed to Sharda to be his girlfriend, and she said yes. 

To date, they have never met in college. No one in the college knew that Nishant and Sharda were dating. They always met at the bookstore or at a coffee shop. They enjoyed going to the movies at the theatres. But in college, they behaved like complete strangers because it was an Injurious Love for Nishant.

Moral- Love is magical.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Folk Stories on Magic | The Story of Witty Radha

folk stories on magic
Once upon a time, there lived a farmer called Murli. Murli’s life revolved around his wife, Radha.

He loved her and worked hard to give her a decent life. 

Radha was a modest girl who never complained to Murli about anything. Together, they celebrated every small moment. They never desired to live luxuriously. All they wished for was a happy life.

Every morning, Murli used to get flowers to make a gajra (flower hair accessory) for Radha. This morning was no different. Radha was cooking a flower meal as she eagerly awaited Murli’s arrival. 

Suddenly, the room was filled with an unusual fragrance, and Radha knew flowers were there.

Murli immediately sat on the mat and started making gajra with those flowers. Radha looked impatiently like a child. Her wait to get hold of gajra always amused Murli.

‘My gajra is here. Where do you get these exclusive flowers for me?’ asked Radha.

‘There is a small river in the jungle. It is magical. Anything I put in that water becomes fragrant. I buy these flowers for you from the village and then go to the river, splash some river water on these flowers,’ answered Murli.

‘How do you know about that river?’ asked Radha.

‘An astrologer used to stay there. I served him very faithfully for two years. He told him about the magic in that river,’ said Murli. 
She wore the gajra and thanked Murli for it. Happily, they ate their breakfast. Murli went to his farms, while Radha went to the weekly village fair.

When she reached the village fair, most ladies complimented her for her fragrant gajra. Queen Damini was making purchases from the village fair. She, too, noticed the unusual fragrance of Radha’s gajra. Delighted, Radha came back home. 

Queen Damini, too, reached the royal palace and told King Veer about the unusual fragrance of Radha’s gajra. She demanded that King Veer gift her a gajra made from the fragrant flowers. 

King Veer reached Murli’s hut. Surprised, Murli and Radha welcomed King Veer and offered him fruits. Their hospitality touched King Veer. He, too, noticed the unusual fragrance of Radha’s gajra and asked Murli about them.

Murli didn’t want to reveal the truth and promptly said, ‘I got these flowers from a local shop.’

‘How come they are so fragrant?’ asked King Veer.

‘When my wife touches any flower. It becomes fragrant,’ said Murli in haste.

Murli’s reply made King Veer very angry. He ordered his soldier to arrest Murli. He said Radha should come to the royal court the next morning and make the ordinary flowers fragrant.

Radha understood Murli’s intention behind lying to King Veer. She knew Murli lied to protect their small happiness. That night, she couldn’t sleep. 

The next morning, Radha went to the river and stored some magical water in a small bottle. She then reached the royal court and was presented with some ordinary flowers. 

Radha sneakily sprinkled magic water on her hand, and she touched the flowers. Flowers became fragrant. King Veer realized his mistake and freed Murli. 

Murli and Radha lived happily ever after.

Moral of the story- Life is about owing your happy moments.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Nimmo- The SUPERSTAR! | Bedtime Stories for Kids

bedtime stories for kidsTelevision entertains all. It always has something amusing in store for its lovers of all age groups. Smiling faces on the TV screens engage us unconditionally. 

The reality of working in the television industry is long, tedious hours. They have to spend long hours in the shooting location. One such entertaining and famous face of television was Nimmo. The cute twelve-year-old boy became extremely popular in no time. He was highly appreciated for his performance as an angel in a TV show. Nimmo enjoyed his newly found stardom, but he missed playing with friends.

Nimmo was a talented student who managed his work and studies with ease. His mother helped him manage and plan his routine. Nimmo, too, understood the importance of the rare and fabulous opportunity that had been bestowed upon him. But he wanted to enjoy a normal childhood. He tried to concentrate on his studies, too.

His father disapproved of Nimmo entering the entertainment industry so early. His father was an engineer, and he wanted Nimmo to be an engineer, too. Actually, his father was very liberal. He wanted him to study and enjoy his childhood like a normal boy. He wanted him to decide his career choice rather than having his mother choose it for him.

But his mother was hellbent to make Nimmo a superstar.

‘Dad, I want to play with my friends,’ said Nimmo.

Seeing Nimmo missing his friends, he quickly arranged for them to visit his place. Nimmo played with them. Seeing him smile, his mother realized Nimmo loves being with his friends and enjoys school life more. She called the TV show producers and told them about their decision to quit the show. 

Nimmo’s father was incredibly proud of his wife for accepting her mistake and amending it rightly.

The next morning, when Nimmo heard about his mother’s decision to quit the show, he felt significantly hurt. His father and mother thought he would be happy, but Nimmo looked sad. When his father asked him about his sadness, he said, "I enjoy being on set, performing my role."

His father was completely surprised to hear this. He said, "When I saw you playing with your friends, I thought you were missing them."

"I do miss them, but I also love my work," said Nimmo.

His father, too, accepted his mistake.

Just because you love one thing doesn’t mean you can’t love another.

Nimmo’s mother and father understood his love for acting. They called the show’s producer and informed them about Nimmo’s decision. Nimmo enjoyed his acting stint while simultaneously concentrating on his studies. He enjoyed his free time with his family and friends. His parents supported him in making decisions. 

Nimmo’s parents were incredibly proud of him. Nimmo was clear that he wanted to be a superstar. He was lucky to have found his passion. He, too, was incredibly proud of having parents like them, and he loved them dearly.

Moral of the story- Never shy away from accepting mistakes.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.