Monday, July 30, 2018

Fairy Story | Fairy Godmother and King Surya

This blog post is English fairy tales
Once upon a time, there lived a fairy named Tara. She was very pretty and kind-hearted too. She lived in fairyland with the Fairy godmother and other fairies. The fairy godmother loved Tara. She too loved and respected her fairy godmother.

One fine day fairy godmother lost her magic wand. Tara and other fairies started searching it at every nook and corner of the fairyland. But no one could find it.

Fairy godmother was very extremely sad about losing her magic wand. She said her magic wand must have fallen down on the earth.  She asked Tara to go to the earth and find it. This was Tara’s first trip outside the fairyland. She was very nervous. After receiving a fairy god mother’s blessing, she embarked on her journey to earth.

She was awestruck to see beautiful earth- green hills, sown filled mountains, beautiful houses. Various delicacies she got to taste on the earth. Earth was completely different from fairyland. She remembered how fairies and fairy godmother warned her from staying away from ordinary people. Tara liked them, she loved kids.  She kept searching for the wand at various places.

She reached Uttarakhand. She was searching for a wand at a very dense forest. She was someone running toward her, a sword in one hand. She was about to get into the defensive mode when she saw the man was bleeding heavily. She created a small room with her magical powers and put him to rest. She got food with her magic. Soon man regained consciousness and introduced himself as King Surya.

King Surya fell for Tara and proposed to marry her. Tara too was smitten by King Surya said yes. They both reached the village temple to marry. Tara completely forgot about her mission, was only thinking about life with King Surya. Fairy godmother arrived at the temple angrily. She scolded Tara for forgetting her mission. Ashamed Tara apologized to the Godmother. King Surya asked Tara what her mission was. She told him about the fairy god mother’s lost wand. King Surya said he would find it for her. King Surya promised fairy godmother and Tara that soon he will come to fairyland with the wand.

Tara and fairy godmother returned to fairyland. On reaching fairyland, Tara saw magic wand in Fairy godmother’s hand. Deceived she asked why she lied about losing magic wand. Fairy godmother said she found it two days back and she lied to King Surya to test him if he is worth Tara.

King Surya started looking for a wand. Fairy godmother created a fake wand and kept it near the dangerous forests of Himalaya.
Fairy godmother went to King Surya and told him that she had seen a magic wand in the dangerous forests of Himalaya through her magical power. Kind Surya immediately left. There is encountered several witches and deadly demons. King Surya bravely got back fairy godmother’s fake magic wand. Fairy godmother accepted that King Surya is perfect for Tara.

Tara and King Surya got married and they lived happily ever after.

Moral: God’s plan is the ultimate plan. Trust the God.

Happy reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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