Monday, July 16, 2018

Children's Bedtime Stories | King Vikram and the Beekeeper

This image is of  Indian Short Stories blog
Once upon a time, there lived a King named Vikram. He was a very generous King. His countrymen were pleased under his leadership. King Vikram regularly conducted an open meeting at his royal court. 

In these open meetings his countrymen were allowed to discuss their problems directly with the King. 

King Vikram was recognized for his just decisions. Once a beekeeper named Bhola came to meet him. He presented honey as a gift to King Vikram. 

‘It’s delicious,’ said King Vikram when he tasted it.

Bhola’s happiness knew no limits on hearing words of appreciation from King Vikram.

‘Your majesty, I got this special honey for you from my bee yard,’ replied Bhola.

King Vikram was known for expressing his kindness. He regularly gave a prize in gold coins and jewels to his country people whose talents and unique skills left him in awe.

Bhola, too had intentions of earning gold coins or jewels from King. He eagerly waited to know about the prize King Vikram would honor him with.

‘Bhola, I want you to teach young boys the art of collecting honey from beehives,’ said King Vikram.

‘Sure,’ said Bhola.

To Bhola’s disappointment, King Vikram left without honoring him with any prize. Bhola left the royal court in anger. Back home, he told the whole story to his wife. His wife, too, was waiting for him, was left disappointed like Bhola.

The next day few young men from the royal court came to visit Bhola’s bee yard. 

Bhola, jilted with King’s Vikram behavior, refused to show them the bee yard.

When King Vikram heard about Bhola’s behavior, he got furious. Queen Padmini asked King Vikram to calm down. She requested him to send gifts to Bhola’s house.

King Vikram ordered his minister to send priceless gifts to Bhola. On receiving it, Bhola and his wife gladly accepted it. 

The next day again, the same group of young men from the royal court came to visit Bhola’s bee yard. 

Bhola again refused to show them the bee yard.

When King Vikram heard about Bhola’s behavior, he got confused. He again consulted Queen Padmini. She asked King Vikram to meet Bhola. King Vikram went to Bhola’s house.

Bhola welcomed King Vikram inside the house. He offered King Vikram drink and sweet dishes made from honey. King Vikram relished the cuisines. His anger vanished with the sweet gesture of Bhola.

King Vikram asked Bhola to show him the bee yard. Bhola gave King Vikram a tour of the bee yard. King Vikram was surprised by Bhola’s contradicting behavior and decide to ask Bhola directly.

‘Why didn’t you let royal men see your bee yard?’ asked King Vikram.

Bhola expressed his insecurity in teaching the skill to young men who would risk his possibility of leaving a decent lifestyle.

King Vikram laughed at Bhola’s innocence and assured him that teaching young people and generously sharing your talent is a good cause. 

Bhola realized his mistake and promised King Vikram that he will never be insecure from now.

King Vikram was happy to hear Bhola’s change of mind. King Vikram bought many bottles of honey from Bhola to gift his friends and Kings of other kingdoms. Soon Bhola’s honey became very popular, and he generously started teaching kids without any inhibitions.

Moral of the story: When you teach others, you learn a lot in the process. Always share your knowledge.

Happy Reading!

About the writer: 
Nisha B Thakur is the author of a Murder Mystery | The Unexpected Trail read at

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