Monday, July 30, 2018

Fairy Story | Fairy Godmother and King Surya

This blog post is English fairy tales
Once upon a time, there lived a fairy named Tara. She was very pretty and kind-hearted, too. She lived in a fairyland with the Fairy godmother and other fairies. The fairy godmother loved Tara, and she, too, loved and respected her fairy godmother.

One fine day, the fairy godmother lost her magic wand. Tara and the other fairies started searching every nook and corner of Fairyland for it, but no one could find it.

The fairy godmother was extremely sad about losing her magic wand. She said it must have fallen to the earth. She asked Tara to go to the earth and find it. This was Tara’s first trip outside Fairyland, and she was very nervous. After receiving a fairy godmother’s blessing, she embarked on her journey to Earth.

She was awestruck to see the beautiful earth—green hills, sown-filled mountains, beautiful houses. She also got to taste various delicacies on the planet. Earth was completely different from fairyland. She remembered how fairies and fairy godmothers warned her to stay away from ordinary people. Tara liked them. She loved kids. She kept searching for the wand at various places.

She reached Uttarakhand. She was searching for a wand in a very dense forest. She saw someone running toward her, a sword in one hand. She was about to get into defensive mode when she saw the man bleeding heavily. With her magical powers, she created a small room and put him to rest. She got food with her magic. Soon, the man regained consciousness and introduced himself as King Surya.

King Surya fell for Tara and proposed to marry her. Tara, too, was smitten by King Surya and said yes. They both reached the village temple to marry. Tara forgot about her mission and only thought about life with King Surya. Fairy godmother arrived at the temple angrily. She scolded Tara for forgetting her mission. Ashamed, Tara apologized to the Godmother. King Surya asked Tara what her mission was. She told him about the fairy godmother’s lost wand. King Surya said he would find it for her. King Surya promised his fairy godmother and Tara that soon he would come to fairyland with the wand.

Tara and the fairy godmother returned to fairyland. On reaching the fairyland, Tara saw a magic wand in the Fairy godmother’s hand. Deceived, she asked why she had lied about losing her magic wand. The fairy godmother said she found it two days back, and she lied to King Surya to test him if he was worth Tara.

King Surya started looking for a wand. The fairy godmother created a fake wand and kept it near the dangerous forests of the Himalayas.
Fairy godmother went to King Surya and told him that she had seen a magic wand in the dangerous forests of the Himalayas through her magical power. Kind Surya immediately left. They encountered several witches and deadly demons. King Surya bravely got back the fairy godmother’s fake magic wand. The fairy godmother accepted that King Surya was perfect for Tara.

Tara and King Surya got married, and they lived happily ever after.

Moral: God’s plan is the ultimate plan. Trust the God.

Happy reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Monday, July 23, 2018

King and Queen Story | Queen Padmini and the Magic Mirror

This image is of king and queen storyEvery year, King Yayati’s birthday was enthusiastically celebrated in his kingdom. His country people prayed for him, and the royal court was filled with gifts. 

On his birthday, he would visit the temple and then offer food and other items to the needy ones. When he reached the royal palace after his temple visit, Queen Padmini took him to the treasure hall to check the gifts he had received. King Yayati was not interested in seeing them. But on Queen Padmini’s insistence, he went there. Queen Padmini started looking at gifts. The treasure hall was filled with precious items like rare clothes, ornaments, jewels, accessories, etc. 

‘These gifts are of more use to you than to me,’ complaining said King Yayati.

‘I know, and I love it. It’s your birthday, but I have a feeling it's mine,’ Queen Padmini said teasingly, inspecting each item. She was happy to see gifts that were of more use to her than to King Yayati. Every year, this happened to King Yayati.

One thing that caught Queen Padmini’s attention was a huge mirror with a beautiful wood carving border. It was kept in the corner of the room. King Yayati liked it, too, and thought of keeping it in his room.

‘I want to keep it in my chamber,’ said Queen Padmini.

King Yayati said that on his birthday, he received just one gift that he liked, which Queen Padmini wanted for herself. 

Both fought for a while and then decided to keep the mirror in the treasure hall.

The next morning, Queen Padmini went to the treasure hall to get her favourite bangle. She was shocked to see it empty.
She ran to King Yayati’s chamber, and together, they came to the treasure hall. King Yayati saw that the entire hall was empty; only the mirror was still there.

The mirror started shining, blinding Queen Padmini and King Yayati. Inside the mirror, they saw a wizard. 

The wizard said that he had all the ornaments, money, gold, diamonds, and other precious stones. King Yayati asked him what he wanted. The wizard asked King Yayati to free him by chanting a mantra in front of the mirror. King Yayati refused and left. The wizard tried to coax King Yayati by telling him that he would stay nice and not trouble people in his kingdom. But King Yayati left the treasure hall.
The entire kingdom started suffering as they had no money.

King Yayati didn’t want to free the wizard as he would create more nuisance once he was out. Queen Padmini couldn’t see the condition of the Kingdom and went to the treasure hall. She chanted the mantra in front of the magic mirror. The wizard was happy to be free. He proposed to Queen Padmini to marry her. Queen Padmini sensed an opportunity in the proposal. 

She agreed to marry him, and the wizard was very happy. She asked the wizard to return the treasure, and he did. The treasure hall was now the same as before, filled with jewels, gold coins, artefacts, etc. 

Wizard asked Queen Padmini to come with him. She agreed. Before leaving with him, Queen Padmini wanted her favourite bangles and started looking for them. 

Wizard also started looking for bangles to impress Queen Padmini. Queen Padmini started crying. She accused the Wizard of leaving the bangles inside the magic mirror. The wizard returned to get the bangles, and Queen Padmini put the huge cloth and covered the magic mirror. Once again, the Wizard was trapped inside the magic mirror. Thus, Queen Padmini saved her kingdom and King Yayati.

Moral: Wit and presence of mind are your biggest assets.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Children's Bedtime Stories | King Vikram and the Beekeeper

This image is of  Indian Short Stories blog
Once upon a time, there lived a King named Vikram. He was a very generous King, and his countrymen were pleased under his leadership. King Vikram regularly conducted open meetings at his royal court. 

His countrymen were allowed to discuss their problems directly with the King in these open meetings. 

King Vikram was recognized for his just decisions. Once, a beekeeper named Bhola came to meet him. He presented honey as a gift to King Vikram. 

‘It’s delicious,’ said King Vikram when he tasted it.

Bhola’s happiness knew no limits on hearing words of appreciation from King Vikram.

‘Your majesty, I got this special honey for you from my bee yard,’ replied Bhola.

King Vikram was known for expressing his kindness. He regularly gave a prize in gold coins and jewels to his country's people, whose talents and unique skills left him in awe.

Bhola, too, had intentions of earning gold coins or jewels from the King. He eagerly waited to learn about the prize King Vikram would honor him with.

‘Bhola, I want you to teach young boys the art of collecting honey from beehives,’ said King Vikram.

‘Sure,’ said Bhola.

To Bhola’s disappointment, King Vikram left without honouring him with any prize. Bhola left the royal court in anger. Back home, he told the whole story to his wife. His wife, too, was waiting for him and was left disappointed like Bhola.

A few young men from the royal court visited Bhola’s bee yard the next day. 

Bhola, jilted with King’s Vikram behaviour, refused to show them the bee yard.

When King Vikram heard about Bhola’s behaviour, he became furious. Queen Padmini asked King Vikram to calm down and requested that he send gifts to Bhola’s house.

King Vikram ordered his minister to send Bhola priceless gifts. When they received them, Bhola and his wife gladly accepted them. 

The next day, the same group of young men from the royal court came to visit Bhola’s bee yard again. 

Bhola again refused to show them the bee yard.

When King Vikram heard about Bhola’s behaviour, he got confused. He again consulted Queen Padmini. She asked King Vikram to meet Bhola. King Vikram went to Bhola’s house.

Bhola welcomed King Vikram inside the house. He offered him a drink and sweet dishes made from honey. King Vikram relished the cuisine. Bhola's sweet gesture vanished his anger.

King Vikram asked Bhola to show him the bee yard. Bhola gave King Vikram a tour of the bee yard. King Vikram was surprised by Bhola’s contradicting behaviour and decided to ask Bhola directly.

‘Why didn’t you let royal men see your bee yard?’ asked King Vikram.

Bhola expressed his insecurity in teaching the skill to young men who would risk the possibility of leaving a decent lifestyle.

King Vikram laughed at Bhola’s innocence and assured him that teaching young people and generously sharing your talent is a good cause. 

Bhola realized his mistake and promised King Vikram that he will never be insecure from now.

King Vikram was happy to hear Bhola’s change of mind. He bought many bottles of honey from Bhola to gift his friends and the Kings of other kingdoms. Soon, Bhola’s honey became very popular, and he generously started teaching kids without any inhibitions.

Moral: When you teach others, you learn a lot. Always share your knowledge.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Bedtime Stories for Kids | King Yayati and his Talking Horse

This image is of baby stories in English
King Yayati was a brave and just king of Mathura. He was travelling back to his kingdom after a visit to a neighbouring kingdom called Amber Kingdom. King Yayati had a great time at the marriage ceremony of his best friend and Prince Rajratna, the prince of the Amber kingdom. 

Amber Kingdom has a special place in history owing to its picturesque surroundings. Pioneering organized tourism, this kingdom celebrated and popularized its scenic beauty. Organized tourism helped them mint money from it. The Amber Kingdom was one of the prosperous destinations of that time. People from nearby as well as faraway places desired to visit this magical land. 

King Yayati always took a chance to visit the Amber Kingdom. He enjoyed his stay there, exploring various scenic spots. He was happy for his friend Prince Rajratna, too. King Yayati always visited his friends' places alone, which was a concern for his royal ministers. But he preferred travelling alone. He trusted Prince Rajratna blindly. Prince Rajratna, too, trusted King Yayati, and their friendship was growing stronger and stronger.

Mounting his horse, Sakha, he was only a few hours away from his kingdom. Had he got some other horse, reaching his destination would have taken him lots of time. But with Sakha, things were different. Sakha was trained to run like a jet. King Yayati enjoyed his company just like a true friend. What made the horse Sakha truly special was that it was gifted to him by Prince Rajratna. 

OnceKing Yayati was enjoying a sojourn in the Amber Kingdom. He wanted to see the famous huge mountain located in the north of the Amber Kingdom. Prince Rajratna offered to take Sakha along. King Yayati enjoyed his mountain trip and happily returned to the royal palace. Seeing his friend happy, Prince Rajratna gifted him Sakha. Touched by Prince Rajratna’s gesture, he promised him a lifetime of friendship and support. 

He loved to take care of Sakha by offering him water and grass at intervals during travel. King Yayati even talked to him like a friend, as if he understood him and offered him a solution. King Yayati knew nothing like this would ever happen, but he enjoyed talking to him.

‘We have reached the jungle. Let’s rest,’ said King Yayati.
King Yayati looked around and spotted a big tree. The tree’s shade and cool breeze around it was very inviting. He and his horse walked up to the tree. Suddenly, the tree started glittering, and from it fell a mango. King Yayati ate the mango and expressed his gratitude to the tree. King Yayati sat beneath the tree, enjoying its shade. Just then, Sakha started eating grass around the tree. 

‘Wow, it's delicious,’ said Sakha.

Sakha’s words surprised King Yayati, who understood he was sitting under a magical tree.

‘You thanked me for the fruit I offered you; no one ever expressed gratitude to me. I am impressed with your humility. This is my gift for you,’ said the magical tree.

Happy King Yayati returned to his kingdom with a unique talking horse.

Moral- Humility has its magical perks for the ones who practice it.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.