Saturday, May 5, 2018

Psychological Thriller Short Story | She is Wow!

This image is of psychological thriller short storiesAn ordinary day became the best day of his life when he saw her for the first time. He wondered what was attracting him to a not-so-attractive girl. Perhaps her girl-next-door demeanor

He followed her, walking, matching her footsteps on the curvy roads of Parsik Hills in Navi Mumbai. He deliberately maintained a distance to pass easily as a stroller or an ardent nature admirer. Clicking on photos using a camera phone. Intermittently posing like he is enjoying the scenic beauty around him, just to come across as natural as possible.

She was too busy to notice- her newly found stalker. Or she was used to stalkers. Soon curvy roads found its way to the top of the hill. She looked around to make sure no one was there. He concealed himself behind trees. It was a hot summer day in April. It was unusual for anyone to climb up the hill. She removed a blood-stained knife from her tote jute bag. Savoring the blade with her eyes, she smiled. Suddenly the calm smile turned into hysterical laughter. He removed his mobile and started recording it. She was about to throw the knife deep into the valley. Suddenly she stooped. Realizing she hasn’t wiped fingerprints off the blade. She calmed herself and removed a napkin from her bag and cleaned the knife. She threw the knife away deep into the valley and stood their patiently.

A car arrived to pick her up and drove her away. He ran down the hill and reached the police station. He ran inside the premises and reached a desk. He hurriedly switched ON the computer. He browsed the criminal database and found the girl. He was right about this girl, he thought. If he catches the girl, the promotion would quickly get descent on his lap. He grinned ear to ear.

Her appearance on the file photo was a bit different. She sported a short length hair and had crooked teeth. Although when he saw her today, she had long hair and straight teeth. But appearance can be easily managed. He thought. She was filed in the category of- serial killers. He quickly called a hawaldar.

‘Note this car number and collect every detail of this car owner,’ he said. Hawaldar took the orders and left. Determined to catch her at any cost. He started planning his steps ahead. He knew a chance to catch a rare criminal like her comes very rarely. After thirty minutes, Hawaldar appeared again and gave him the file. He pounced on the report file like an animal seizing on its prey. With each detail he was reading, he realized that he could easily catch her this time. He smiled.

He was a senior inspector of Crime Branch Mumbai.

Moral of the Story- A stalker can also be an inspector.

Happy Reading!

About the writer: Nisha is the author of a highly appreciated novel, The Blue Jinx.

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