Monday, April 23, 2018

Indian Folktale for Kids | King Yayati & Golden Egg

This image is of Indian Short Stories blogKing Yayati, a brave and just king of ancient India. He loved traveling and exploring unknown destinations around his kingdom. He loved staying close to nature and often went for long trips on his horse. 

He considered his horse a perfect companion for these trips. These trips gave him a much-needed break and time to think things; otherwise, he wouldn’t have bothered to notice. He often pursued these trips in the disguise of a village man. He asked his Queen Damyanti to give him a pseudonym for his village man avatar. After thinking a lot, Queen Damyanti gave him the name Surya as King Yayati’s face was bright like a Sun.

‘Dear Queen, this was a very clever way of naming me,’ said King Yayati.

Queen Damyanti accepted the appreciation, but then she started complaining.

‘You never take me along with you on these trips,’ said Queen Damyanti.

‘I travel in disguise. Will you be able to live like a common village girl?’ Asked King Yayati.

He knew Queen Damyanti would never leave the comfort of a royal palace for a trip. Thus, he stopped Queen Damyanti’s complaints forever.

Once, he wandered off to a nearby place known and famous for beautiful hills. He reached the peak of the mountain, a place seen by very few people. There he saw something glittering behind a huge stone. He followed the glitter and saw a golden egg. He picked it up and took it along with him. Once he reached his kingdom, he narrated the whole incident to Queen Damyanti. Mesmerized, she asked him to show it to her. Golden egg’s glitter was unique. A gold like diamond’s glitter. She expressed her desire to make four bangles from it. King Yayati ordered Royal Jeweller to cut a small piece from a golden egg and make four bangles for Queen Damyanti.

After a few months, Queen Damyanti’s younger brother's marriage day was approaching. She ordered to make four bangles from a golden egg. King Yayati was upset with the shrunk size of the golden egg, but he was happy for Queen.

After a few months, Queen Damyanti expressed her desire to create a big dormitory for patients from afar land to consult Vaidya (royal physician) in their kingdom.

‘Excellent suggestion, Queen Damyanti,’ he said.

‘Your Highness, I suggest you should sell a small piece of a golden egg and use the money to make it; you will get a higher price for its unique glitter. We can use all the money from it for charity purposes,’ said Queen Damyanti.

King Yayati ordered the Minister to sell a small piece of a golden egg.
King Yayati couldn’t control his grief on the shrinking size of the golden egg and went to treasure hall to see it. He was surprised to see a golden egg in its original shape.

He initially realized he used the golden egg for his personal use, while this time, he had used it for charity, and hence the golden egg assumed its original shape. He happily returned to his palace.

Moral of the Story: Humility has its magical perks for those who practice it.

Happy Reading!

About the writer: Nisha is the author of a highly appreciated novel, The Blue Jinx.

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