Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Blue Jinx | India's Only Gemstone Murder Mystery Novel | Sample Chapters

The Blue Jinx

This supernatural episode began in Mumbai. Since my birth, I have lived here with my family- mom, dad, younger sister, and younger brother.

My entire family unloved me, excluding my mother. I hated them, too, excluding my mother. It was not precisely hatred. It was dissatisfaction! The reason for their dissatisfaction was my profession. My reason for dissatisfaction was their attitude towards my career.

They disliked me for being an interior consultant. They could not accept that their merit holder son chose to be an Interior Consultant. They felt I could have easily been a doctor or an engineer. They could not digest my career choice. But I wanted to be what I settled on for my career. So, after finishing my studies, I started working as an Interior Consultant for a realty company. I worked there for six years. My profession paid me less. Soon, my younger sister started earning more than me. My family’s loathing grew with it. But I was happy in my life. I knew being in a creative profession was different from a regular job. You got to struggle until you create goodwill. While I struggled to build a name, my brother bought himself a house and a car. This made my father very happy. Unlike typical parent behavior, he was not satisfied with my younger brother. But he was pleased for an earned opportunity to taunt me. He teased me for being a failure. But I ignored him. His disgust increased when he searched for a girl to get me married. Even the girl he intended to bring home as his daughter-in-law was earning more than me. This made my father hate me more than ever. He criticized me at every juncture. It became difficult for me to live with my family. However, I knew I couldn’t afford a rented flat in Mumbai on my salary. So, I continued living with them. But I had to do something to prove my profession’s worth.

I decided to quit my job and start my interior consultancy business.  I borrowed money from my mother. She gave me money without telling my father. With my mother’s blessings and support, I started my business. I bought a rented office and hired a few employees. I hired inexperienced people so I could pay them less. But getting a client on board was not an easy task. Soon my mother’s money was finished- paying rent, paying employees, and miscellaneous stuff. Finally, after six months of misfortune, I managed to get my first client.

My first client was Mr. Sharma, a banker. He was a chaste miser. He offered me to barter. If I agree to revamp his house for free, he will get wealthy clients in exchange for me.

I had to agree. I had no choice. Offending a wealthy client was indeed not working in my favor. But, to my surprise, Mr. Sharma turned out to be a man of his words. Or maybe it was my good luck.

Soon after revamp, he hosted a party at his house and introduced me to every guest (my potential, would-be clients). I managed to get just one client and made very little money, not enough to pay bills and salaries. So, I upgraded my website that exaggerates my works.

I felt my career too needed a revamp like my clients’ nest. I needed a big break in my career. I needed a launch stage. Soon, I was bestowed with one more opportunity via my beloved Mr. Sharma. This opportunity became a priority in my life because of many reasons. First, this opportunity provided me with the desired launch stage. It involved working with a big name. Second, it was a high-paying project. It was perfect, as I needed money to maintain my consultancy business. Third, I needed money to give back to my mother before the borrowed money story reached my father’s knowledge. Finally, the most important reason was that I intended to make it evidence of my profession’s value.

With my eyes set on my goal to deliver my best. I simultaneously numbered my priorities while driving my rented car — things I wanted to do first and subsequently after completing my launch stage project. As a successful Interior Consultant, I imagined making lots of money. I got a bigger house than my brother; my family (especially my father) accepted their defeat. I smiled, thinking about my luxurious future as I turned my car (rented car) inside the lane. I spotted my friends waiting for me outside the nightclub. I parked my rented car and enthusiastically ran to meet them. I hugged them, Mohit and Sahil. Today we were meeting after a long time.

“How are you, Nikhil?” Sahil asked me.

“I am doing well,” I answered.

“It is so obvious you must be doing well. After all, you got such a terrific project. Soon you will be one among India’s top Interior Consultants,” said Mohit.

“I hope so,” I replied.

It was an occasion to celebrate. Sahil and Mohit were in a mood to party. So, we entered the nightclub. It was a weekend, so the lounge was jam-packed.

We managed to get a side table. Mohit looked around for girls. The girl in a short green dress smiled at me. I looked at her and smiled back. I hurriedly shifted my eyes to the menu card kept on the table before my smiling act reached Mohit’s knowledge. But I failed to save this brief smiling act from Mohit’s eyes.

“Let’s dance, Nikhil. That green skirt girl seems to be interested in you. So we will dance around her group,” said Mohit.

“Not now. Let’s eat something. I am hungry,” I answered, scanning the menu card in my hand.

“Come on, Nikhil. Nightclubs are not meant for eating. They are meant for alcohol,” said Sahil disagreeing.

Mohit, too, was in Sahil’s favor.

“But you guys know I don’t drink alcohol.”

“At least today you can drink for us. As this celebration is for your achievement,” said Mohit.

“That I understand, but you know, I don’t drink, and I don’t smoke,” I replied.

Sahil came to my rescue and said, “We have known Nikhil since school days. Have you ever seen him consuming alcohol?”

“No, never,” replied Mohit.

“Then let’s not waste time forcing him. Let’s have a beer. What say?” Asked Sahil.

“You guys drink instead of me,” I said. Mohit and Sahil laughed, and our revelry truly started. We danced. We laughed. We chatted, and then we moved out of the nightclub to the beach. It was a full moon night. The moon looked beautiful at the backdrop of the beach. Mohit and Sahil shared a beer bottle, and I drank bottled orange juice. We talked about general things.

“The green dress girl we met was amicable and sensible too,” I said.

“Don’t tell me you were analyzing her character. I was reading through her profile,” said amused Mohit.

“Yes, I agree she was good-looking,” said Sahil.

“I too agree, and she was a decent girl,” I said.

“Nikhil, she was trying to impress you, and you too looked impressed; why don’t you propose to her?” Asked Sahil.

Even after drinking so many beer bottles, Sahil was still conscious. But Mohit was high.

“No, she is mine!” Said drunken Mohit.

To calm him down, I said, “Yes, she is yours.”

“Yes, buddy,” shouted Mohit and fell unconscious on the beach as he fumbled his last few words.

Sahil laughed and said, “Mohit is inebriated. Anyways, Nikhil, so when are you getting married?”

“You guys are too much! I am just 30 years old. At least for the next two years, I don’t want a girlfriend. I don’t want a wife either. I want to work. My new project is the most important goal of my life. Once I finish this one, I will have lots of money and other assignments. So, I want to work very hard on this project.”

“Great. This sounds good for the three of us. You work hard, earn good money, and give us parties like this,” said Sahil.

I agreed.

Then alcohol caught Sahil too, and he went into a philosophical mind.

“But one doesn’t plan love. It just happens. You know love comes unannounced,” he said.

“This won’t happen to me as there is no space for love in my life at the moment,” I said, looking at the full moon. There was no response from Sahil for a while. That was quite awkward. So, I turned back to see him. He, too, had fallen unconscious on the beach. I laughed and clicked their photographs as reminiscence.


I was waiting for Mr. Hemant Saxena in his office cabin. Hemant Saxena, a reputed name in the Hotel and Construction industry. Hemant and Mr. Sharma were good friends. Hemant appreciated Mr. Sharma’s house interior. On the reference of Mr. Sharma, I was hired as an Interior Consultant for several of Hemant’s projects. Today I will be meeting him for the third time. He would give me details of my first project under his company. I was very excited. After a few minutes, he entered his cabin.

“Sorry, you had to wait. I was in a meeting,” said Hemant.

Hemant was a 65-year-old self-made businessman. However, considering his dressing style and mannerism, he could easily be mistaken for a retired army officer.

“It is okay, Sir,” I replied.

“I want to give details of your first project, and I hope you give your best,” he said.

“Yes, I won’t let you down.”

“I trust you. But this project is different,” Hemant said.

I was expecting this line. Every client of mine considered their project different. But for me, they all were the same. But I was wrong, and this project was very different. I realized this much later. I was not aware of what was coming to me then.

Then Hemant asked me a question that was utterly off-track of our discussion.

“What do you know about me?”

“Sir, you are one of the leading entrepreneurs of India,” I replied, simultaneously thinking about the relevance of the question. Then, further straining my memory and copying the words from his website, I continued, “You are a self-made man, and you struggled a lot to build this empire.”

Hemant didn’t look impressed, and he dismissed my answer, “Everyone says this about me. Now, I will tell you a few things no one knows. No newspaper will ever tell you these things about me.”

I wondered what his biography had got to do with this project.

“And all these things very well relate to your project,” said Hemant as if he had just read my thought.

I felt at ease on hearing this, “Yes, sure.”

He said that he belonged to a very low-income family. His parents died when he was very young. He completed his education on his own. After schooling, he got his first job in Nasik, where he met his wife, Shanipriya. They liked each other, became friends, and then married. They bought a small house in Nasik. He started his business, which was well-received. They shifted to Mumbai. Occasionally they used to visit their Nasik house. Two years ago, his wife died. His wife loved that house. Now he wanted to renovate that house. He gave me the responsibility. This was my first project with him.

“Do you plan to live there?” I asked.

“This year-end, I shall retire from my business. I want to spend the rest of my life in that house.”

“I think we should renovate that house according to your wife’s likes and dislikes,” I suggested to him.


“Colors, patterns, furniture, the interiors should be as per her taste. Her presence should be felt in every corner of the house.”

“Yeah, that’s what I wanted,” he beamed, “but I didn’t know how to describe it, name it.”

“Something like a memory house.”

“Yes,” said Hemant, and his happiness knew no limits. He looked relieved. I would see my joy in his joy: money, fame, and victory.

I wanted to check the property. Hemant invited me to live in his Nasik house until I was satisfied with my designs. We decided to go to Nasik the following day.

I was happy and relieved to work in the direction of my goal.


We started our road travel to Nasik in Hemant’s car the next day.

He was working on his laptop. So, I began to pretend to read a book on interior art. Typically, I hated reading during travel. But with a reputed client like Hemant, you got to elevate your standards. So, a day before the trip, I deliberately selected a book with lots of photos and less text.

“When you see Singh’s roadside restaurant, then please stop the car,” said Hemant to his driver.

The driver replied to him very respectfully. Then, after a while, he stopped the car and said, “Sir, we reached Singh’s roadside restaurant.”

“Nikhil, let’s eat,” said Hemant.

I was not in favor of eating from a roadside restaurant. So, considering hygienic factors, I suggested to Hemant that we should eat elsewhere. But he refused to listen, and I had to concur.

The eatery owner Mr. Singh welcomed Hemant affectionately. They met like long-lost brothers. Mr. Singh was a muscular, typical Punjabi man. He hugged Hemant tightly.

“How is everyone in your family?” Mr. Singh asked Hemant.

“All are doing well. How are you doing?”

“As usual, I am good.”

Punjabi people are full of life, and so was Mr. Singh. Mr. Singh’s gaze fell on me. Before he inquired, Hemant answered for me.

“This is Nikhil. He works with me,” said Hemant turning to me, “Nikhil. This is Mr. Singh.”

We exchanged pleasantries. We occupied a table.

“Get us Chicken Biriyani, chicken tandoori, chicken tikka masala. What’s special on today’s menu?” Asked Hemant.

“Chicken Sahi masala,” replied Mr. Singh.

“Okay. Get us two plates of each,” said Hemant eagerly.

“Who is going to eat so much? Is Mr. Singh joining us too?” I asked.

Hemant laughed and said that this food was only for the two of us.

“Sir, I won’t be able to eat,” I said.

“Why? Are you a vegetarian?”

“No, Sir. I have a habit of eating in portions.”

“Once you eat food here. You will forget about eating in portions. You will come here again and again,” said Mr. Singh in total confidence. Hemant, too agreed with his words.

“What would you like for drinks?” Asked Mr. Singh.

“For me, get my regular,” said Hemant. Mr. Singh smiled at him in accord.

“What would you like to drink?” Hemant asked me.

“I don’t drink.”

Hemant asked me with surprise, “What you don’t drink?”

I repeated my answer that I don’t drink alcohol.

Hemant clarified that they were not talking about alcohol. They were talking about Lassi. Hemant and Mr. Singh laughed loudly. They looked pretty amused by the conversation. I, too, had to look amused, so I grinned and joined them. But frankly, I was annoyed.

“Get us our order,” said Hemant. “And get me my regular drink and buttermilk for Nikhil.”

“And please get food in clean plates,” I said, cleaning glass with tissue paper.

Hemant and Mr. Singh giggled at full volume.


Post lunch, we recommenced our road trip.

I thanked God for it. Hemant and Mr. Singh’s so-called funny stories were not at all hilarious. They were torturous.

I was delighted when we left. I learned from the driver that the journey ahead was only for a few hours. The panorama outside was breathtaking: green mountains, long empty roads, reddish sky. It was picture-perfect. The landscape and the quiet climate outside strained out my saintly side. Suddenly I felt very spiritual.

Then we reached the end part of the road journey. Hemant’s house was only twenty minutes away. But the road was very creepy. It was very dark. The only area around the car’s lights was visible. I was not able to see the path beyond the car’s lights. I guessed there was a forest around as I could hear loud sounds of trees swinging along with harsh winds. That made a very frightening sound. The silence of the night and its typical noise further added to my fear.

Abruptly a black cat crossed our path. I saw a dead body being taken to the funeral. I saw a funeral home.

I prayed to God that we soon reach Hemant’s house. Hemant looked quite comfortable. He was habitual of these spine-chilling surroundings.

We finally reached his bungalow, and our journey ended. It was a small, tranquil, and attractive bungalow.

“Sir, your bungalow is quite attractive,” I said, looking at the bungalow.

“Bungalow? This is not my bungalow. This is my home. Bungalows, I have in Mumbai and other cities,” said Hemant. I understood how deeply associated he was with this house. I felt I had smacked a jackpot. If I gave my best to this project, I clearly would; all my problems would get solved automatically.


We entered the bungalow. Hemant’s secretary Murli Sharma and house help Ramu were there in the living room.

“Good evening, Sir,” said Murli, and then he looked at me and said, “Welcome, Nikhil.”

I, too, greeted him. Hemant asked Murli if he had arranged for my stay. Murli replied positively. Ramu touched Hemant’s feet. Ramu seemed to be a dutiful servant. He was full of respect for his master. He was a short, fat man. He appeared to be in his forties, I assumed. Hemant asked Ramu to take me to my room. Hemant said he would see me at dinner time. He said post-dinner; he would give me the house’s tour. He left the room, and Murli followed him.

“Let me take you to your room,” said Ramu.

I followed him. We entered a room at the far end of the gallery. The room was quite big. It had a giant-sized bed. It had a sofa in one corner of the room. It had an attached bathroom. It had a study table. It had a small balcony. I liked the place instantly.

“Would you like tea before dinner?” Asked Ramu. I badly needed one and happily agreed.

Ramu left, and I threw my bag on the floor and sat on the bed. I was tried. I badly wanted to sleep.

Ramu’s tea and good shower took away my day’s tiredness. After some time, I met Hemant and Murli at the dining table. Ramu was serving soup.

“We have seven rooms here,” said Hemant as he sipped a spoon of soup, “post-dinner, I will show you around.”

“Yes, sure,” I replied, “interiors would touch your heart, and you will feel your wife’s presence around.”

As I completed my statement, the bowl of curry slipped from Ramu’s hand, and he started trembling. Hemant looked at him angrily and left without finishing his food. Murli followed him. I found this incident very awkward. Murli came back.

“Sir is calling you in the library,” he said.

I went to the library. Hemant was flipping pages of a photo album. He asked me to sit.

“These are old photos of my wife, Shanipriya. Blue color was her favorite. She liked staying in this house as she appreciated peaceful surroundings.”

I saw her photograph. She was lovely. The blue color was indeed her favorite. I noticed in most of her pictures she had put on blue-colored clothes.

As promised, then Hemant took me for a house tour. He spoke about Shanipriya’s interest. I saw a romantic twinkle in his eyes when he talked about her.

Hemant truly loved his wife. After seeing the entire house, we entered my room. I mean the place in which I was staying.

“This room was our lounge because of the view from the balcony. It is simply beautiful,” said Hemant.

I ultimately approved his words as the view from the balcony was indeed beautiful, with a stunning mountain at the backdrop.

“This room was Shanipriya’s favorite. She liked staying here.”

After spending some time in the room, Hemant left, and I decided to go to the garden.

In the garden, I met Bhima, the watchman. He was hefty, and he had enormous muscles.

“Sir, what are you doing here at this hour?” Asked Bhima.

“I am not able to sleep. So, I am here to pass the time,” I replied.

“Sir, you are here to renovate this house, right?”

“Yes. How do you know about this?”

“Sir, I stay here. So, I know what’s happening around. Sir, Shanipriya madam, was a very nice lady.”

“So, tell me something about her.”

“Sir, she was a very kind lady. Unfortunately, I was not here on the day she died.”

“Oh, I am sorry.”

I heard a noise of loud howling.

“Who is this crying at this hour?” I asked.

“That’s a witch.”

“What?” I asked.

“Sir, in our area, there is a small funeral home, and the whole night the witch cries there.”

I could not control my laughter, hearing Bhima’s comments.

“Why are you laughing, Sir? Even in the room you are staying in, there is a ghost.”


“Yes, Shanipriya madam’s ghost stays in that room. We all have seen her.”

I could not believe what Bhima had just said. Also, I had no desire to believe him.


I entered my room, and I went to sleep. After a few hours, I woke up abruptly. I felt a strange uneasiness. This made me nervous. Bhima’s words came to mind, and I dismissed his thoughts. I opened the door and decided to sleep with the door open. Then I heard footsteps sound coming from the far end of the corridor. I followed the footsteps sound to the living room. There I saw a lady in a blue-colored dress facing towards the other side of the room. I went near her, and she turned, revealing her face. I got the terrible shock of my life.

Initially, I struggled for words, and then I gathered my courage, and I shouted, “Shanipriya!”

I lost my breath because of fear. She came closer. I shouted in full force, “Help me!”

I fainted in fear.


Chapter - 2 Shanipriya

I felt a splash of water on my face. I was coming back to life. After a while, I could sense my breath, which ran properly. I saw Ramu, Bhima and Murli had encircled me.

“Are you okay?” Asked Murli.

For once, I felt I had lost my voice. But it was very much there.

“Sir, I saw Shanipriya madam,” my words fumbled.

“She was not Shanipriya, madam. She was Samara, madam’s daughter,” said Murli assuring me. I looked at him with reservations.

“Yes, Nikhil. Samara looks exactly like Shanipriya madam,” said Ramu.

Bhima seemed to have enjoyed my terror.

“What happened, Nikhil, Sir? I think you got scared seeing Samara madam,” said amused Bhima. He looked visibly happy.

I felt terrible and went back to my room. After a while, there was a knock at the door of my room. I opened the door. It was Samara.

“Hi. I am Samara.”

“Hey! I am Nikhil.”

Monday, April 23, 2018

Indian Folktale for Kids | King Yayati & Golden Egg

This image is of Indian Short Stories blogKing Yayati was a brave and just king of ancient India. He loved travelling and exploring unknown destinations around his kingdom. He also loved staying close to nature and often went on long trips on his horse. 

He considered his horse a perfect companion for these trips. These trips gave him a much-needed break and time to think; otherwise, he wouldn’t have bothered to notice. He often pursued these trips in the disguise of a village man. He asked his Queen Damyanti to give him a pseudonym for his village man avatar. After thinking a lot, Queen Damyanti called him Surya as King Yayati’s face was bright like the Sun.

‘Dear Queen, this was a clever way of naming me,’ said King Yayati.

Queen Damyanti accepted the appreciation, but then she started complaining.

‘You never take me along with you on these trips,’ said Queen Damyanti.

‘I travel in disguise. Will you be able to live like a common village girl?’ Asked King Yayati.

He knew Queen Damyanti would never leave the comfort of a royal palace for a trip. Thus, he stopped Queen Damyanti’s complaints forever.

Once, he wandered off to a nearby place known and famous for its beautiful hills. He reached the mountain's peak, a place very few people saw. There, he saw something glittering behind a huge stone. He followed the glitter and saw a golden egg. He picked it up and took it along with him. Once he reached his kingdom, he narrated the incident to Queen Damyanti. Mesmerized, she asked him to show it to her. Golden Egg’s glitter was unique. A gold-like diamond’s glitter. She expressed her desire to make four bangles from it. King Yayati ordered the Royal Jeweller to cut a small piece from a golden egg and make four bangles for Queen Damyanti.

After a few months, Queen Damyanti’s younger brother's marriage day was approaching. She ordered to make four bangles from a golden egg. King Yayati was upset with the shrunk size of the golden egg, but he was happy for the Queen.

After a few months, Queen Damyanti expressed her desire to create a big dormitory for patients from afar land to consult Vaidya (royal physician) in their kingdom.

‘Excellent suggestion, Queen Damyanti,’ he said.

‘Your Highness, I suggest you sell a small piece of a golden egg and use the money to make it; you will get a higher price for its unique glitter. We can use all the money from it for charity,’ said Queen Damyanti.

King Yayati ordered the Minister to sell a small piece of a golden egg.
King Yayati couldn’t control his grief at the shrinking size of the golden egg and went to the treasure hall to see it. He was surprised to see a golden egg in its original shape.

He initially realized he used the golden egg for his personal use, but this time, he had used it for charity, and hence, the golden egg assumed its original shape. He happily returned to his palace.

Moral: Humility has its magical perks for those who practice it.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Indian Folktale with Moral | King Yayati and Saint

This image is of Indian Short Stories BlogOnce upon a time, there lived a King called King Yayati. In addition to inheriting a prosperous kingdom, a beautiful crown, and the respect of his people, he also inherited a unique gemstone—a royal blue sapphire. 

Stories of good luck associated with this shiny blue stone were passed on from King’s previous generations. Thus, gemstones were believed to protect his family and kingdom from evil. 

It was believed to be a harbinger of prosperity. Blue sapphire stone was named Shanipriya by one of his ancestors. Just, brave and righteous King Yayati was determined to protect Shanipriya at any cost. Having Shanipriya also gave him immense security and peace of mind. He was ready to fight any evil for this peace of mind and solace. He felt it was a blessing of his ancestors and valued Shanipriya more than his life. Shanipriya gemstone was nothing less than the family’s pride, one of his major responsibilities. Ministers, too, knew several thieves and even enemy kingdoms had laid their eyes on King Yayati’s particular belongings.

King Yayati was lucky to have loyal officials. But his favourite was Minister Suryasen. Minister Suryasen was a kind and nobleman, and King Yayati trusted him unconditionally. Minister Suryasen also wanted to relieve his master of the burden of protecting the gemstone Shanipriya. He couldn’t sleep for nights, so he devised a plan to protect Shanipriya forever and make his master happy.

One day, Minister Suryasen recommended him: ‘Your Highness, a saint, is staying near the river on the outskirts of our kingdom. Many families in nearby villages seem to have benefited from visiting him.’

This aroused the King’s interest. King Yayati nurtured immense respect for godmen and saints. He was very religious and knew the importance of a mentor. His kingdom was famous for treating godmen and saints who travelled from afar and those who travelled from afar.

‘Why don’t you visit him and ask him for a solution to protect gemstone?’ continued Minister Suryasen.

King agreed to go to the jungle. Minister Suryasen, too, accompanied him.

Saint heard Yayati’s plight and closed his eyes for long. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and asked Yayati to come with the Shanipriya gemstone tomorrow morning. Yayati agreed.

The next morning, Yayati gave the saint the stone. Saint inspected it closely.

‘Your gemstone is cracked. Don’t keep it near you, part away from it as soon as possible,’ said Saint.

Disheartened, Yayati said, ‘Give it to me; I will throw it in the river.’ He threw the gemstone into the river and left with his Minister.
As soon as the king left, the saint ran to the river and jumped. He started looking for a gemstone, but he couldn’t find it.

Disappointed, he came out of the river and saw Yayati and the Minister standing before him. Yayati told him the gemstone was fake; he only wanted to test him. 

He ordered Minister Suryasen to take the saint with them to punish him.

Moral: For a successful stint, always join forces with people who are honest and loyal.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Indian Folktale | The Clever Wife

This is blog post of prince and princess short storiesThe Amber Kingdom is a special historical place due to its picturesque surroundings. Pioneering organized tourism, this kingdom celebrated and popularized its scenic beauty, which helped it mint money. 

The Amber Kingdom was one of the prosperous destinations at that time. People from nearby and faraway lands desired to visit this magical land. But, presently, Amber kingdom was gaining popularity for one more reason: the news of Prince Rajratna accomplishing his marriageable age. Kings were more than happy to marry their daughters to Prince Rajratna. Prince Rajratna was very handsome and brave. Stories of his bravery and wit were very popular. Marriage proposals for Prince Rajratna started coming from different parts of the world. The world that was completely unaware of Prince Rajratna’s secret desire. The desire to get married to a very clever princess.

‘You will marry my friend’s daughter, Princess Toral,’ ordered his father.

‘Sure, Your Highness,’ said Prince Rajratna.
‘My brother-in-law’s cousin, Princess Subhalaxmi, is best for my son,’ said his mother.
‘Sure, mother,’ said Prince Rajratna.
‘What! You want to marry both of them?’ asked his father.
‘I am not sure whether I will marry them,’ said Prince Rajratna.
‘Please tell me what you have in your mind!’ asked his father.
Prince Rajratna requested his parents to be easy-going.
‘Give me some space to decide my life partner,’ said Prince Rajratna.
His parents were very angry, but they had no choice; they surrendered to their only son’s demands.

Prince Rajratna announced to the whole country that next month, on the full moon night, fairies will come to visit Amber Kingdom, and only princesses will be able to see them. He knew the Amber Kingdom enjoyed a reputation for being a magical land, and anyone would easily believe this sweet claim. He was confident that only the clever one would think this through.

Prince Rajratna was only a few steps away from meeting his soulmate.

When the big night arrived, princesses of various kingdoms showed up. Prince Rajratna made the list of princesses who came to see fairies. Disappointed princesses returned to their respective countries. Only three princesses didn’t show up - Yuvrani, Damyanti, and Taravati. Prince Rajratna immediately left to meet them. Princess Yuvrani was very disappointed in not being able to make it. Her father told her not to go as he felt it was a waste of time. But she always wanted to attend. Princess Damyanti suffered from a fever that night, so she couldn’t come but wanted to participate too.

Prince Rajratna was full of disappointment. However, he decided not to lose hope and met Princess Taravati.
‘Why didn’t you come to see fairies?’ asked Prince Rajratna.
‘Do you really think fairies will come on earth and exclusively become visible to princesses,’ said Taravati.
He couldn’t answer, lost for words. The silence made Prince Rajratna’s hoax evident, and they both laughed.
Prince Rajratna was happy to find the clever one. He proposed to her, and she said yes. Both kingdoms were equally happy with the alliance. The elders of their families blessed them. They lived happily ever after.

Moral- True love will find you in the end.

Happy Reading!

Check out Nisha B Thakur's highly appreciated novel, The Unexpected Trail.