Thursday, February 1, 2018

Bedtime Stories for Kids | Homework

This image is of short moral story from India
Sunny weekends with family were the most immense happiness for Nikhil. A Long morning walk followed by a badminton game, a hearty brunch meal, extended chat session, and leisure activity. He wished weekends never ended for him. 

Unwinding during the weekends was very vital for him. His tight schedule during weekdays kept him on his toes. Nikhil worked as Head of the Finance Department in an apparel company. The job paid him well, and he could manage a decent living but at the cost of his family life. His family included his wife, Simmi, and five-year-old son, Tiku. His parents stayed in hometown Bhopal and visited them in Mumbai once a year. 

During the summers, Tiku too visited his grandparents. Nikhil couldn’t accompany them in Bhopal for more than three days. All thanks to his job. Nikhil missed his family on weekdays. By the time he reached home, Tiku was already sound asleep in his bed. Without making any sound, he entered Tiku’s room to catch his glimpse. After planting a kiss on his cheek, he looked at him affectionately and left the room. While eating dinner, Simmi gave him a download of Tiku’s mischief. He laughed and wondered if he was there to witness his mischievous behavior.

One day Nikhil came home early from work. Tiku was surprised to see him home at this hour. He hugged him.

‘Dad, let’s go to the park,’ said Tiku.

‘Sorry, son, I am exhausted.’ Nikhil refused him with a heavy heart.

He turned red with anger stormed into his room.

Nikhil too ran after him and said, ‘let’s go to the park.’

Tiku beamed with happiness and went to get badminton rackets from the cabinet.

‘You said you want to finish some important office work,’ said Simmi.

‘It can wait,’ said Nikhil.

Nikhil and Tiku played in the park. They arrived back during dinner time. Nikhil was exhausted and tired, while Tiku was all excited.

‘I won two games, yuppie,’ announced Tiku.

Nikhil winked at Simmi, and she understood how Tiku won.

‘Dinner is ready,’ said Simmi.

They had dinner, and Tiku went to bed.

Nikhil resumed his work and stayed up working till 2 am.
Tiku saw his father working, and the next morning he asked his father.

‘You work at the office, now you are doing office work at home,’ said Tiku.

He sensed his concern.

‘I was not doing office work. I was doing homework,’ answered Nikhil.

Tiku laughed.

‘And you thought only kids get homework, adults also get homework from office,’ said Nikhil.

The thought of his father doing homework made Tiku laugh.
Seeing Tiku laugh made him happy too.

‘From today, I will regularly get homework from the office,’ said Nikhil.

Since then, Nikhil always came home early. He spent his evenings with Tiku. He did his remaining office work from home at night. 

Tiku was happy to spend time with his father. 

Only Simmi knew how taxing was this homework for Nikhil.

Short Story Moral – No love is greater than mom’s love. No care is greater than dad’s care.

Happy Reading!

About the writer: Nisha is the author of a highly appreciated novel, The Blue Jinx.


  1. Wow! how simply can one put up the sacrifices parents do for their children...


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